Fifty three

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author's Pov

After waiting for a whole hour, salvator made the decision to take the route to his other house in the nearby hills. It was primarily for business, and he hadn't visited in ages. they began their journey, the silence between us still broken. when violate asks about the route its unfamiliar to her...

"The news is predicting a flood along our route, so I have another house nearby where we can stay until it's safe to continue," he said, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, not daring to glance at her.

She gulped nervously at his words but remained silent, her gaze fixed on the drops hitting the car window and tracing their path downward. Lost in her thoughts, she pondered the implications of their situation.

As they entered through the grand gate, she was struck by a sense of déjà vu, reminiscent of the first time they had approached the house. It was a large estate, and a servant approached Salvator to offer greetings, while she stood beside him, feeling a mix of familiarity and uncertainty.

"Good evening, sir. The rooms are ready on the second floor," the servant said, keeping his head down. Salvator nodded in acknowledgment, then glanced at her, perhaps seeking her approval or acknowledgment of the servant's message.

"Sir, would you like me to arrange for dinner?" the servant asked timidly.

"It's fine. You can leave," Salvator said dismissively. As the servant departed, the lady made her exit, casting a lingering gaze at Violate. Uncomfortable under her scrutiny, Violate shifted uneasily, feeling a sense of apprehension.

"You can take the second room. We'll leave once the weather is clear," Salvator stated before making his way to his room. Violate found herself mesmerized by the house and its interior. It was cozy, unlike the previous houses she had visited. She couldn't help but wonder about the extent of Salvator's wealth to afford such properties.


After freshening up, Violate made her way to the kitchen to prepare some coffee, not feeling particularly hungry after snacking on junk food during the journey. As she finished preparing the coffee, she heard noises coming from the foyer. Curious, she decided to investigate and froze at the sight that greeted her.

Salvator stood near the fireplace, shirtless, with his back facing her as he took a call. Violate gulped nervously at the sight before her. His muscular back was on full display, igniting a surge of desire within her. She felt her thighs involuntarily clenching together as her eyes roamed over his back, noticing some scars on his right side. Despite the scars, he resembled a Greek god in her eyes, and she couldn't tear her gaze away.

Salvator turned around when he sensed the gaze on his back, a devilish smirk gracing his lips as he caught Violate's eyes roaming over his body. He gestured for her to sit on the couch, where her coffee awaited on the table. As he approached her, Violate's breathing quickened, her eyes fixated on him as he neared. His pants hung low, subtly revealing the muscular V-line of his abdomen, causing her gaze to linger. He came closer, leaning down to meet her gaze, and she instinctively leaned back against the couch. Slowly, he reached for his coffee, straightening his back as he did so.

she couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. The tension between them hung palpably in the air, leaving her breathless and yearning for more.

salvator smirked at her reaction, 

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