Seventy three

4 0 0

Violates POV ;

The realization hit me like a sudden storm: I never imagined such chaos, I find myself lost, The person I once knew, the identity I held onto, now feels like a distant memory. I'm left grappling with questions that echo in the emptiness of my mind. Who am I? What is my place in this world? And perhaps most urgently, it's as if the ground beneath me has shifted, leaving me standing on unsteady footing, grasping for something solid to anchor myself.

I must unravel the tangled web of secrets.. 

When I hurt her, I don't feel any pain. her screams and suffering don't affect me. Instead, they bring me a strange relief, like I've been holding onto something inside me for too long, and now I can finally let it out. I don't feel sorry for anyone, not even for the person I hurt. Instead, I feel sorry for myself. I'm angry at myself more than anything else. How could I let someone ruin my life? How could I be so foolish?

Each of her words feels like a razor slicing through me, leaving me raw and exposed. And yet, I can't shake the feeling that there's even more pain waiting for me up ahead. Is this how it's supposed to feel?

''are you ready to tell the truth.''i asked with courage, and now when i looked at her i only see one stranger who i don't know anymore..

j breath out and tried so hard to catch her breath but i think the pain was so sharp she cant even move her hand.

"I... I will tell you everything," J said, adjusting herself in the chair.

Even though I can't feel her pain, I can tell that she's suffering deeply. 

''tell me when did you started giving me drugs and what about my family.'' the last question comes out as pleading. i pretend to be a brave enough but my family. what happened to them are they even....alive.

j grin and cough continuedly making me suffer on my thoughts, i have so many thoughts but none of it is soothing and assuring me for my future torture.

i moved to dining table and took the water jug and splash through j's face, making her gasp on water. i know water can bring her more pain but I'm not planning to give her shock again.. 

''what the fuck violate.. why are you doing this'' j shivers with cold

"If your not start talking then it will get worst" i said..i don't wanted to do this and never imagined but i have the strong reasons..

I hear the laughter echoing around the room, but I swiftly ignore it. I can only handle one problem at a time. After getting the truth, I'll deal with the major problem: Salvator Sinclair.

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