Forty one

7 2 0

its midnight still salvator cant blink an eye his eyes soft looking her face, she looks so innocent and soft.. his hand curl to fist thinking of someone else's hand touching her, hurting her. 

it was lust when he saw her first and wanted to cage her and he did successfully caged her but as the days goes by he realised, he is addictive to her submissive behaviour, soft replies and sweet smiles, he was obsessed with her. when he saw someone else touched her at the club he lost it and punished her. 

 He stepped back before causing her more harm, feeling terrible seeing her like this. Anger surged through him as he got up and went to the balcony with a drink. He held onto the glass so tight it broke in his hand, and his eyes turned red with anger. His hand was bleeding from the glass. He kicked the table on the balcony in frustration..

his gaze snap to violate when she whimper in pain. he rushed to her. assessing any wound but its just the panic attack which was building he holds her body hugging her tight. she thrashed, her eyes open looking at him.

''please j give me the pills, i cant take this anymore.'' she sobs in his arm his body tighten around her.

''im going to die J, please give me the pills.'' he cant understand the words she is saying to him. he tried to ask her but failed she cant listen to anyone apart from her inner voice asking for pills.

''violate wakeup!! violate ! '' 

she sobs sweating her body was loosing he tenses, quickly called his doctor.

''what the fuck has happen to violate, she is asking for pills and her body is loosing. 'he ask frustrated..

the doctor scared from his voice he was growling in anger . one wrong word he can lose his life.

"Sir, she might be addicted to something during these episodes. Don't give her anything until we've checked what's happened. "the doctor suggested in meek voice. 

''sir keep her warm and sooth her as possible she'll be ok if she get the better sleep.'' he hung up before the doctor complete the sentence. 

salvator hugged her and she relaxes a little in his hold caressing her hair he mumble sweet things to her, he never thought he can be someone's savoir. the monster of the life can be the savior..

he rub her back gentle kissing her forehead. she was slowly drifting to slumber, she hold his hand tightly mumbling'' don't leave me.''

''never''she looks at him slowly her eyes unrecognizable to him, she pressed her lips to his..

slowly kissed him in half sleep. he closed his eyes not kissing her back as he thought she is imagining her friend. the kiss was just a slow peck.

his eyes snap open when she whisper. 'Thank you chief''

 he felt amused joy when she recognize his touch this time, not anyone his touch a small smile curved his lips. and regrate of not kissing her back. he kissed her forehead and drifted to sleep.

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