Someone starts filming you and being inappropriate

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With how the world is now this felt accurate to do as there are disgustingly too many people who think it is okay to just film people in public, and then also start being inappropriate.


He awkwardly laughed and tried to politely tell them to stop it, but when they insisted he put his hand over the lens and firmly said "stop". They tried to persist so he pushed the phone away, glaring, telling them to go before things go wrong. He told them just filming people isn't okay. It turned into a lot of bickering between all but eventually they left so he sighed, now feeling bitter, wondering why there are so many shitty people lately.


He just slapped the phone out of their hand and told them "fuck off!". He wasn't gonna be polite or subtle, they weren't so he won't. Someone is just filming his partner without permission, he's not gonna let that happen. He would have beaten them up if it wasn't for you telling him not to. Only told him so as they were filming so they would have had proof to go to the cops to get him into trouble for assault.


He destroyed the phone. Before they could start yelling or demanding he pays for it he held money to them, so much they could buy three phones. So they shut up, took it, and quietly left. He gave you a worried look so assured him you are fine. Thanked him so he got a smile then hugged you.


He hates people like them! They harass people and enjoy it. So second he saw it, didn't even have to be with you yet, he already stormed up and told them to stop. So they filmed him as now they have content. He didn't care. He doesn't care if he'll be made fun of now, so long they stop harassing everyone. You told him it's a useless battle but he insisted. So he kept there until you had to call the cops as harassment now and knew Vasco wouldn't leave until cops come take these people away.


He knows bad people, people like these, and even when told stop they won't. They even want someone to as it'll give them material to work with and entertain their stupid sense of fun. So he just took your hand and pulled you along, telling you to ignore them. So both walked away, giving no reaction, which made the person bored of you two and leave. He gave you some civil advice to deal with them as a fight will just lead to trouble and cops will get involved then.


He frowned but didn't interfere. These streets do more odd things. When you declined, showing clear signs of not wanting to be filmed, but they continued that's when he stepped in. He went in front of the camera, firmly saying "They said stop". When the person ignored him and even began mocking, he just punched them so hard they fell down and stayed down.


He tried to be playful about it, mostly because it's filming, telling them "should film this handsome mug instead". Second it ot went off his face he snatched the person's head and bashed the phone against their face, breaking their nose. He threw them aside then took your hand and ran, laughing "That's what you get!".


He put his hand around the phone, clenched, and then let go. All watched it crumble to the floor. The men were quick to run away. He eyed you, asking if you are fine so nod, making him wrap his arm around you, say "good, let's go", then both continued as if nothing happened.


Fun! Now he has an excuse to beat up some people. He needed some warm up anyway as he has to make a surprise dramatic entrance somewhere later and beat up some people. Even if they stopped filming he beat them up then made them beg for your forgiveness.

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