Chapter 28

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"I'm coming, I'm coming." Benson made his way towards his hotel room door. He opens it to find cops standing outside. They grabbed him and pushed him up against the door.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

"Wait, wait! What the hell am I being arrested for?"
They continued reading him his Miranda rights.

Standing outside of my room was my son Keem. "Son, what have you done?"

"Dad you went to far, you could of seriously injured Stony. I'm no better than you but he didn't deserve that and I haven't been able to sleep carrying this guilt around."

"So you sold your father out because of some guilt?" I tried rushing him but the cops restrained me.

"He's still my brother..."

"Yeah and the better'll never be even close to the man he is, even if he likes men."

"I know I won't and he's got me beat by hundreds of yards..and I know you never accepted having a handicap son and that's fine. I want you to love me, sure. But if I have to do things like this to Stony to earn your blessings...I'm good."

The cop shoved him. "Any would be over the moon to have a son like Stony West and you out here purposely wanting him to fail." The cop shook his head.

"Don't judge what you don't know."

"Don't worry about what I think of you...his fans about to destroy you. You will never be able to have a normal life after this and you should t be able to."



Stony stood behind me recording as the instructor held my waist. "When you are ready hold on firmly to the bars and when you are far enough from the rocks let go."

"I'm cared Stony,"

"You got this baby...come on!" Stony tried encouraging me.

I closed my eyes and counted loudly to ten. Then the guy pushed me. I screamed as I glided through the air, and when I thought I was out far enough I let go. I fell into the cold water, taking a second to enjoy it before frantically swimming back to the surface, being surrounded by large bodies of water freighted me. When I came up I wiped my face and stared up at Stony, who was on his way down. He waved and I blew him a kiss. He wasted no time coming down, he was fearless. One of his many attractive attributes and he was loaded with them.

When his body hit the water he splashed me, he came to the surface and pulled me to him. "Right here?"

"What, in front of the instructor?" I laughed.

"He don't care,"

"Stony no...I'm all for spontaneous but that's too much for me."

"Fuckin with you...nobody can't see that ass but me...I never wanna share."

"Me either..."



My phone rung while I waited for Jaylen to get his hair braided. "Sup Kenny?"

"You been checking your phone?"

"Naw why what's up?"

"Your dad was arrested, they caught him."

"What? How?" I don't understand.

"Your brother confessed to knowing everything and told them exactly how your dad planned out everything. They denounced Lances win and you get to have rematch."

"Are you for real man?" I looked over at my baby who was nosey and wanted to know what was going on.

"As a heart enjoy your vacation but be ready to train the moment you get back...that is of you're still interested in the title?"

"Hell yeah I am...I'll hit you when I'm back."

I ran over and kissed Jaylen.

"Who was that?"

"Kenny! Keem told the cops every and my dad was arrested...they are going to give me a second shot at the title."

"Excuse me ma'am," the lady stopped braiding and I jumped on Stony and kissed him all over his face. "See baby, it all worked out."

"I know.."

"Aww you're crying."

"I know...I was thinking I didn't give a fuck but I'm so glad everything finally worked out in my favor."

"You can't keep a good person down...not forever."

"No you can't and I guess Keem does love me...just maybe." I wanted to believe that because I loved him. I was still angry with him and he had some explaining to do.

"He better beg for your forgiveness...I mean beg." Jaylen wasn't to thrilled upon hearing his name.

"I won't take anything less."

"Let me finish getting my hair braided and we can go celebrate."

"Okay...I love you."

"I love you more."



"Can we get one of these garden tubs at your place?"I asked.

"You can have whatever you like but, he shrugged. "We don't live together so you won't always be able to use it."

"Yeah but whenever I do come over, which is often."

"How you feel about that?"

"Me coming over often? I hope it's okay?"

"It's not,"


"I want you over all the time." He sat across from me in the tub.

"Like you want me to move in?"

He lifted my leg and kissed my ankle, then the side of my feet, licking across the top of my toes. I shivered. "Would you consider it?" He put my toes in his mouth and it sent a tingling through my body. My Dick twitched.

He then pulled both feet together around his hard on, he closed them around it as close as he could and worked them up and down his shaft. He closed his eyes and leaned back into the tub. "Baby,"

I was in a trance watching him pleasuring himself I forgot he asked me a question. "Think we're ready for that?"

His grip on my ankles tightened as he lifted his hips into my feet, thrusting in between the tight space. This is only the second time he's did something involving my feet, and I'm not a fan of feet fetishes but if it gets him off, I'm cool with it and he doesn't make it weird. He makes everything sexy. I feel his thick, veiny length against my feet. I watch him trying to control his moaning, his muscles in his chest flex as he is coming to his end. I hold on to my own dick and play with it, my other hand gripping the top of the tub. I stroke up and down really fast, wanting to be close to when he nuts. Then he moans out loud, I feel him shaking. When he's done he moves over to my side and slaps my hand out the way so he can finish me off. "Move in with me," he strokes me.

"You sure?"

"Yes, live with me."

I was probably under the influence of his seductive voice and his big hands pleasing me, drunk with passion I said yes.


Keem told the truth!

Benson is in Jail!!

Stony gets a rematch 🥂

How do yall feel about people sucking toes or what Stony did with Jaylen in the tub? 🦶🏽💦

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