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The room is eerily dark when you open your eyes. In fact, you're not sure where you are and can't see anything around you to help you figure it out.

"You're doing just fine now, my lady. That was extremely foolish of you to remove that necklace of yours. Admirable, but foolish nonetheless."

You immediately recognize Eir's voice in the darkness.

"I cannot see."

"Ah- yes. I'm not entirely surprised. The method in which I had to use to keep you alive can have some undesirable effects. Do not fear, your vision will return."

"Where is Loki?" Warm tears fall down your cheeks.

"We're still not sure, hon. But King Aster insisted that you recover here at the palace, away from the public, and your parents' prying eyes. When Prince Loki returns, I'm sure you'll be the first to know."

Her tone- gentler than you've ever heard it before, clearly an attempt to keep you calm, has quite the opposite effect on you. Your heart begins to race.

What isn't she telling me? What aren't they telling me?

"Is my baby okay?" A knot forms in your throat, suffocating you.

"Oh yes- she's absolutely fine, my lady. Thriving, even." You can hear the smile on Eir's lips as she gives you the news.


"Oh! yes- I'm so sorry if you wanted it to be a surprise! You're carrying a very strong and healthy baby girl."

A girl.

A flood of emotions take over you, tears falling even faster down your cheeks now.

If only Loki were here right now.

Your cheeks warm with a steady flow of tears, and Eir obviously takes note straight away.

"Oh, my dear. There's no need for all that. I know you must miss him terribly, but it'll all work out in the end."

"He's a good person." You grab for the bed, pushing yourself upwards in desperate need to get through to her- to make a point.

"Yes, my dear." She rests a gentle hand on your shoulder, soft enough to not startle you in your current state. "I've learned a lot since we first met. It's... well, I'll just say that there is a reason that I am here now. I believe that you and Loki- and Aster and Bragi too, the more I speak with them- could truly shift the fate of the realms- in a direction that it is far past due being shifted in."

A knot forms in the back of your throat.

How could I have possibly been so lucky to have such wonderful people like her show up in my life?

"Oh, Eir-"

"Hush now, my dear. You need to rest." She pats your shoulder again, and a wave of exhaustion sweeps over you unlike you've ever experienced before.


You can feel the heat of the fully risen sun when you wake.

You know that you should feel grateful for a full night's sleep- but you'd spent the entire eventide riddled with nightmares. It's like they just played on an endless loop- Loki never making it home, Loki returning years later a completely changed man- over and over and over again. The only consistent thing being that Loki was most certainly not okay.

Not fully returned to consciousness from your final dream, you begin to kick and fight. "No- no... No!'" Alas, your own screams rip you fully from your slumber.

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