Falling for you

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Start writing your story

Lai- ARE YOU SERIOUS!? *Storms back upstairs*

Kehlani- Malaysia!*face palm*  *Follows behind*

London- Are you fucking kidding me?!

Kehlani- Malaysia you wasn't supposed to see that . I'm sorry

Lai- *looks at her* You literally was fucking her on the couch !What do you mean ? Anybody with eyes would've seen , even the blind. Look I'm tired if you don't mind getting the fuck out of my room please.

Kehlani- Listen to me I'm really sorry Lai please-

Lai- You're pathetic , you're only sorry that you got caught , GET OUT!

Kehlani- *Grabs waist* Please hear me out baby *voice softens/ trembles*

London- WTF IS THIS?! Kehlani is this who you wanna be with ? Or do you wanna be with me ? You really need to make up your fucking mind because I'm not competing with some chick who think she's the shit because she's all proper speaking with an accent .

Lai- WHAT? B- Kehlani you get the fuck out and take this waste of space with you ! I  don't have time for this shit go finish what you guys was doing , I won't disturb again.

London- I'm not going anywhere I've had it with you and your perfect little aura , If Kehlani wants you she can have you and you guys could be fucking happy with each other .


Kehlani- * Looks Shocked * Woah woah woah! Bruh calm down! Both of you ,London you are going to respect Laisha while we're here okay? I have a red carpet event tomorrow and I don't have time for this bull shit.

London - I don't have to respect her , I'm going to bed it's either your coming or not.

Lai- Wow , so you can sleep with her and tell her how much you love and want to be with her . What a fucking  hypocrite ! I'm so done with you , When we get back to California I just want you to know that I'm so done with you Kehlani and I mean it.

I don't want any dealings with you .The way you've been treating me is just so horrible , I've never in my life experienced this level of pain from somebody that I am truly In love with,

Kehlani- Malaysia! You  recently just came Into my life I can't just put my life on hold for you ! I told you not to fall for me , I told you I don't do the love thing and you keep trying to make me love you .

I'm not good for you and you know this and I told you this , I'm sorry If I hurt you In the process of us doing these things , and If you're wondering If I love London no I don't . I told you it's nothing personal she's just for publicity .

Lai- *Cries* Softens voice* And I keep saying that you didn't have to come back and find me, you didn't have to take me out on dates , Call me beautiful.

Wait that's what people do huh? To get in your pants , I guess that's the strategy you people In America use huh.... I really thought you were going to be different from the others .

You've got It all wrong babe , I haven't been trying to make you love me , It's just that I love you and It's too much for you and I get that and It's my fault that I fell so hard for you. I Mean how could I be so damn naïve? Goodnight. Kehlani  *Closes and locks door*

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