Love me like you do

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Malaysia Pov
I was so upset at Kehlani for telling some random tramp my business, I thought our friendship ran deeper than that but this is exactly why I didn't want to come back here.

I should've just went with my first mind and stayed at home! Here I am at this damn party crying my eyes out in a bathroom . Luckily I brought extra makeup because I look fucking horrible , I haven't even been here for a hour and I already want to go back home and never face this place again.

I thought I was going to get some alone time in the bathroom but I was so wrong but I like it a lot.

'' Malaysia ! Are you okay sweetie ?'' Cyn asked concerned

'' Yes I'm fine , I just didn't expect all of this when I finally decided to come back here '' I sighed

'' Was that like your ex? What was that bitches deal spilling all of your business like that ? That shit was so not cool'' Cyn said wiping my eyes

'' Yeah she is, that was her new girlfriend Kiana and she's a real pain in the ass for no apparent reason'' I said sternly

'' Obviously , I don't believe any of that stuff that she was saying about you , It's obviously not true and she was just looking for some sort of attention but it backfired in her face'' Cyn said leaning on the sink

'' Backfired? What do you mean?'' I asked

'' Well your friends put her in her place and she was just left speechless and I told your ex that she should be ashamed for just standing there letting her talk to you that way'' Cyn said running her hands through her hair.

''I figured they would do that, I love them and I honestly don't know what the hell I would do without those crazy sluts'' I laughed

'' Look at me '' she said lifting my chin up'' You are beautiful and you don't deserve that love , whatever happened in your past is the past now and it doesn't define who you are now'' she smiled

'' Your so sweet '' I smiled '' Thank you , like really thank you so much . You didn't have to come and check on me I appreciate it '' I said avoiding eye contact .

'' Let's fix your mascara and let's go back and have a good time Malaysia'' she said

'' No! I don't think I could go out there and face all of those people. What if they look at me like a slut or a fool? Oh god !For god sakes everyone will think that I am an escort and I'm not .

I didn't make that decision on my own! I was kidnapped and Raped and sold and I refus-'' She then pushed me against the sink and began to kiss me and I didn't stop it , I just melted into the kiss and She started to deepen the kiss and the bathroom door swung open and it was Khloe thank god but we still broke the kiss and we stood there with wide fucking eyes .

She Kissed me

''Well! Is one of you bitches going to speak?'' She laughed '' It's okay I think it's hot , I think your hot and I think she's hot . I know for sure that you guys would have some hot sex, but hold that thought I really have to pee'' She walked into the stall and we laughed.


'' Your back honey'' Angel ran up hugging me '' Are you okay?'' She asked

'' Yes I'm fine Cyn came in and cheered me up plus I want to have a good time while I'm here anyways .'' I smiled

'' Yeah she cheered her up pretty good alright'' Khloe chuckled and I playfully hit her arm

'' So are you two like a thing now '' Luna asked

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