Concrete Angel

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Later that night!

''Look they responded'' I said screaming!

''What did they say'' ? Angel said.

What! Ayla said.

I showed them '' Meet us at the junkyard and come alone''.  ''I have to go there now and I have to get Malaysia, you guys have to stay here I promise I'll be okay.''

'' Kehlani You can't go through with this especially not alone we need to call the police or something. Ayla frowned.

'' Yeah Lani I'm with mama on this one. Maybe we should let the police handle this shit.'' Angel said .

'' Look I'm tired of waiting for the police it's either I move now or we will lose Malaysia for good, I'm wasting time .''

''Are you really going alone?'' Angel frowned.

'' Do you really think I'm that dumb, trust me I have a plan , I said as I stood up and proceeded to leave I then looked back to tell them that I loved them don't wait up for me. I began to drive to the location that I was sent and little did they know that I wasn't alone I had my boys already hidden there. I walked into the junk yard and there was a note on the car as soon as I walked in the note said ''Check the trunk of the car , leave the money in the passenger seat''. I opened the trunk and nothing there was a tape recording of a mans voice. '' Did you think we would let you receive our most requested girl so easily? She's made us so much money and she's made me and my boys feel so good as well *laughs* Let's play a game , Hide and seek shall we . If you find her you keep her if you don't she's ours to keep and you could keep your money and kiss your baby bye bye , there's a timer and we are here tick tock tick tock *laughs*.''.  ''Fuck '' , I said to myself  then I began looking every fucking where, I searched everywhere , still no clue or no sign of her , but that wasn't stopping me , Then I got a text '' You have three minutes left'' I saw a tree and a pile of dirt and under it was a sign that said no trespassing I then went over to the tree and  immediately  grabbed the shovel and started  to dig and I continued digging until I felt something hard , I  got to the bottom and it was a coffin with a note that said ''Open me '' I then opened up the casket and It was London's 18 year old sister Lilliana , she was naked and tied up , I began to untie her and I finally got her untied and I put my jacket around her and I called T to meet us and she took Lilli so she could go to the doctor. I received another text ''Times up""  Then heard a loud sound of a car pulling off and I tried to chase it but I just failed I screamed ''fuck'' . I ran back to the truck and I started to drive and look for the van but it vanished. I then met T at the hospital with Lilli  and  busted through the hospital doors.''

'' Fuck! T I lost her again'', I said while pacing back and forth.

'' Woah Kehlani calm down! ''

'' I-I can't do this, I have to figure out another plan. I know somebody seen something!''

'' Hey! Calm down" T said hugging her.

'' I failed her''. I said sobbing uncontrollably .

'' Keh-''

'' looks at her. ''Hey Lilli your woke' 'I said softly.  Are you okay?

'' Those men are evil '' she struggled .What they did to those girls was horrific and  scary, there's more girls there.''

'' Where are these men located'', I said loudly.

''I don't remember it's very hard to find , the men brought me and another girl to the junk yard and  they explained to us that one of us was going to live and be free and one of us was going to go back with them and they made us choose. Before getting in the coffin they made us strip and the other girl noticed how scared I was , I whispered to her that I was a virgin and I wasn't ready, the girl then spoke up to the men and told them to put me in the coffin and let me be saved because initially it was supposed to be her that gets saved but she insisted that I stay. She protected me while we was there, she didn't let them rape me , Instead she offered herself.''

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