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Kehlani- Rise and shine beautiful *Places kisses all over her face* 

Lai- Good morning baby *Smiles* Omg ! I can't believe that I get to call you baby! AHH Your my girlfriend ! Girlfriend girlfriend girlfriend *laughs* Oh my I can get used to this .

Kehlani- *Laughs* Dude you're literally the cutest thing ever, did I mention how beautiful you are?! Can you believe we spent the night on the beach?

Lai - No , your definitely the cutest thing I've ever seen and yes Baby you say it every chance that you get *laughs* I think you might have a little crush on me *winks*. I can't believe it but it's beautiful waking up next to you and the sound of  beautiful waves clashing.

Kehlani- I think you've  got me beat baby , I can't help it your breath takingly beautiful and I think It's more of an obsession *shrugs* that's so sweet that you feel like that, I feel the same way and I'll do it all over again , Taylor was amazing and very sweet .

Lai- Taylor was freaking wonderful! I loved everything ! Everything was amazing . Thank you so much baby. *Kisses*

Kehlani- Mhm You taste so sweet *Smiles* But  I've got another surprise waiting for you later.

Lai- *Blushes* What did I do to deserve you and this?

Kehlani- Everything happens for a reason we we're bound to be together, you  deserve the entire world and I'm going to be the one who gives it to you.*Hugs*

Lai- I didn't think when I came to America I would make friends ,yet along have an famous girlfriend to this is so crazy to me *laughs* everything happened so fast .

Kehlani- I'm so glad you came , I never wanted to know a person as bad as I want to know you but you're still such a big mystery which is so fun for me and hot. Tell me a secret please *claps hands *

Lai- *Grabs hand* I'm glad I came to , you're absolutely right I am in fact a big mystery but there's nothing to tell, but I do have a secret to share with you. *Stutters*.

Kehlani- Okay spit it out what is, I'm on the edge of the sand right now *Laughs* .

Lai- Well I had sex with my bestfriend *Hides face*.

Kehlani- *Mouth drops* Whaaat ! You and Angel? When was this , tell me more I'm interested now.

Lai- It was recently , I really wouldn't call it sex but we we're drunk and the ceremony went on commercial , we was talking about how good you guys looked on Tv and who would be the loudest while getting laid and we was going back and fourth on who was going to be the loudest and I told her I could show her why I'll be louder and we kissed and And Angel hands wondered *Covers face*.

Kehlani-  That's Hot !

Lai- Wait! Your not mad at me?

Kehlani- Hell no we wasn't official yet , besides I already knew it would happen eventually, the way Angel looks at you tells it all.

Lai- Yeah she tried to kiss me before but I turned her down don't get me wrong she's a beautiful woman and even more gorgeous when she's naked *smirks* but we only see each others as friends , after that little encounter we had be looked at each other and laughed and that's how I know we're just good friends and  very diluted friends at that *laughs*.

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