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Lai- *Knocks on door*  Angel open the door.

Angel- *opens door* *Hugs* Lai Lai why do everybody always hurt me , It's like every time I fall in love with someone they do the unthinkable , I'm so tired of being  treated as if I'm just a option and I'm so stupid for believing her when she said that she'd let her go for me *Sniffles* I think it's time to go back home Lai Lai & Is it okay If I sleep in your room tonight ?.

Lai- Awhh Ang Ang , because they're stupid and blind , you are a great person . Although these people have hurt you all of your life this do not define you as a person and it's not your fault at all ,sometimes people hurt you because they are  hurt themselves or they just do it because they know that you will allow it and trust me I've been there hundreds of time with Mia. When Mia and I were together Mia would cheat faithfully and every time I asked her why do she do that to me she always told me , because your not treating me like a girlfriend , you won't have sex with me .Then when I used to try and leave Mia would taunt me and threaten to hurt me until it wasn't a threat anymore .

Angel- *looks shocked *Thank you for everything Lai Lai. So basically Mia abused you? Did she abuse you physically or mentally ?

Lai- No problem babe your my best friend that's what I'm here for *Wipes her eyes*  and she did both it was the worst era in my life and I hope no one ever in life experience that , you're the second person to know this Angel, I cherish you very much and I trust you with my life we're practically best friend soulmates *laughs* I'm so glad that we've met I honestly don't know where I would be today if I had not met you at all *Hugs*. Now enough of the sadness let's go sit on the balcony and watch the stars.

Angel- That's the sweetest thing somebody has ever said to me , nobody has ever wiped my tears for me that makes you even more special to me  I am literally the luckiest girl in the world to have met you my little drama queen *Smiles* and you totally didn't deserve that  so screw Mia and I hope she gets hit by a moving vehicle *Points to the balcony* now let's go.

Lai- You're Literally so funny *Dying of laughter* , the sky is beautiful tonight , I just wish I could peacefully enjoy it without all of these thoughts pounding my brain.

Angel- Your so right I mean how could they do that to us? We've been nothing but nice to them. What do you think will happen when they come back ? I'm honestly thinking about ignoring her until we leave and I might just find me a French hottie *laughs* but in the back of my head I really fell so hard for her and I don't think I could deal with the thought of someone else touching her and making love to her like I do .

Lai- I know right! Not only did they do it to us  but on national tv is just beyond me and I bet they know that they've totally screwed up and I don't understand why we couldn't go ! If we are so special to you guys. Why can't the public see us? and why do we always have to be so undercover ? You don't supposed to hide the people you so call love!! I totally agree Ang as bad as I want to leave I just can't it feels like I need her and I love her so much I just can't stand the thought of someone else loving her or touching her, when she gets here she has lots of explaining to do.

Angel- National TV! That's what angers me even more because I was literally promised that it was over between her and that bitch and she was going to take  our relationship more serious ugh I literally hate it here. HEY! I got an Idea let's go out , we're totally hot and if  they can't see that some one else will.

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