How could you

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'' Well Isn't it nice to see you again.''

''Only thing that would be nice right now is me putting this fucking Chanel heel upside your head. ''Angel said while sarcastically smiling''

'' Oh I see you've brought your little hood rat friend with you Malaysia. ''She grinned''

''London? Why the hell are you even talking to Angel and I? We don't conversate with bitches who starve themselves just to look good. I said grinning making the bartender laugh''

'' Oh damn. Angel said while laughing. I guess she told you , leave now or I won't hesitate to beat your ass and I'm pretty sure no one will stop me. Bye bye now, ''she waved''

''You know what I don't have time for this, Kehlani loves it '' she scoffed.

'' Oh baby please save the arrogance  just know when you kiss her your tasting me , I want you to know that those lips have been all over my body oh and when I say all over I mean every inch of me . I blew an air kiss at her'' and she got upset and stormed off.

'' Hey bartender pour up some more of them shots. ''Angel said while gesturing her hand''

''That bitch needed to be put in her place , I grinned

'' You damn right bestie, but I don't think That was enough I still want to beat her ass just one good fucking time.

''Angel I love you bitch your like my soulmate , I laughed and hugged her.

'' So  dose that give me the green light to fuck her up? she said while dancing.

'' No Angel, I playfully hit her.

'' Hey Lai ?

'' Yeah? I looked back at her.

'' Do you know that man, she pointed . He's been watching you for the longest.

'' Not that I know of , she grinned,  He's just enjoying the view.

'' That's kind of creepy but whatever, she shrugged.

Angel and I took so many shots and we then got on the dance floor and started to dance with each other and it got spicy really quick , Angel and I began dancing sexy on each other catching lots of people attention. '' This is really hot '' I said.  ''No baby I think that's just you'' said Angel as she spent me around and started to hold my waist while grinding up against me.

Not going to lie that made me kind of hot. Angel and I continued to dance and I looked across the room and I couldn't believe my eyes , Kehlani was here but she was with London and our eyes met and she started to look shocked I stormed over there towards her ,Angel came along with me trying to stop me but that just wasn't working.

'' Oh so this what the fuck we're doing now ? I said while wobbling.

'' Come on Lai she's not worth your time'' Angel said.

'' Malaysia are you drunk? She said with concern

'' Kehlani you are worried about the wrong thing right now. Angel said while frowning. You are in here with your ex.

'' I can expla- '' Kehlani said while being cut off

'' Not to mention Ang we haven't even officially broken up. tears started to fill my eyes . You know what fuck it , she can have you then I stormed off and went to the bar again leaving Angel behind while she argued with Kehlani .

''Hey you look like you need another drink or two. the bartender said grinning.

''You know what that doesn't sound like a bad idea give me a Sex on the beach'' I said while slouching over the bar.

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