Now you see me now you don't

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And just like that she was gone.

''Kehlani wake up! The search is about to start''. Ayla said while shaking me.

'' I'm up '', I said jumping out of my sleep.

'' Are you okay honey? You were shaking in your sleep. She said in concern

'' Um- yeah I'm cool , I just had a little nightmare . I said while scratching my head

'' Was it about Lai?''

''No it wasn't Ayla, let's go'' I then pulled her twoards the crowd of people.

We began to search the abandoned houses , the Alleys and all of the wooded Areas I mean we looked everywhere for her and it was still no sign it was like she vanished off the face of earth of something. Then the news lady came up to us asking questions , there was a lot of paparazzi there trying to be nosey and all up in our business but the police had it closed off only for her family and friends.

'' Hello Miss Malaria. How has your daughter disappearance made you feel these past 3 days ? Has her case changed you in anyway?''

''Case? My daughter isn't dead , she's out there and we will find her. Words can't describe my pain right now okay , you have no idea how much this hurts me. Malaysia baby if you're watching please be strong for mommy , remember that you are strong and brave and god will lead you back home and remember what I've taught you and to the men that are holding her hostage please let my baby go please she would never ever hurt anyone just drop her off and let her find her way back to us , or just bring her back and claim the money reward . I can't lose my baby .'' Ayla then began to break down.

'' Miss Kehlani any words to Malaysia?''

'' Hey Baby if your out there and you hear me I just want you to keep faith and I love you so much and when you come back I'll be waiting to give you the biggest hugs ever , we believe in you and we miss you so much. To her kidnappers please bring her back I'll double the price just drop her off where you found her and I promise I'll double it and I won't press charges.''


Welcome everyone, thank you all for attending . Today we will dedicate this Vigil to my baby girl Malaysia. first we will start off with an prayer from her bestfriend Miss Angel and after that we Kehlani will sing a beautiful for her and after that we will then release the lanterns across the ocean, Once again thank you all for coming. Take it away ladies.

'' Hello everyone I'm Angel Malaysia's best friend, I just want to say I love you all and I'm going to be leading a prayer tonight so can everyone grab someone's hand and please bow your heads . thank you.

Lord Jesus, we ask you to give us all around peace in our mind, body, soul and spirit. We want you to heal and remove everything that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives. Please guide our path through life and make our enemies be at peace with us. Heavenly Father, as we navigate this season of grief, grant us the strength to endure. May your love surround us all and bring comfort to our wounded hearts. In Jesus' Name, amen."She walked twoards me crying.

''That was beautiful Ang. I said hugging her.

'' Well hey guys as you know Malaysia and I were very close friends, you know what let me rephrase that Malaysia and I are very close friends and I dedicate this song to her , It's called the The letter I hope you all really enjoy it I really put thought into it .

Girls Just Wanna Have FunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora