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"What the hell do you mean he got bit?" I nervously asked Stiles as he drove into the school parking lot the next morning.

This morning Stiles woke me up in a fit of panic, saying Scott got bit last night after we left him. To say I was panicked like him was an understatement.

There were things my two friends didn't know but I did. And I would love to keep it that way, especially if it meant keeping my biggest secret hidden.

Stiles barely allowed me to change into a plaid pleated black and white skirt with a black turtleneck before he dragged me out the door. I even had to wait until he was on the main road before he gave me my black heels which were firmly clutched in one of his hands.

"Like I said, he got bit apparently," Stiles said again, for the tenth time as he parked the jeep. "Maybe it's nothing. What's the worst that can happen? He gets rabies? I doubt it."

"You have no idea," I whispered to myself, grabbing a small mirror out of my handbag. "You couldn't give me an extra five minutes to fix my lip-gloss before you dragged me out?" I asked him, wiping my fingers around my lips to get off any excess.

"An extra five minutes would turn into an extra twenty minutes," he grumbled, opening his door. "Plus, there's nothing about you that needs fixing."

I froze and his car door slammed shut. It was always comments like that that made my heart skip and butterflies take flight in my stomach. And somehow, he never realized it.

"Come on, Miss Princess," he drawled from the front of the jeep, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I flipped him off with a smile, throwing my mirror back into my bag before opening the door and getting out. I wanted to cry at the sight of our school waiting for us. The urge became stronger when I saw a few of the lacrosse players who always tried to flirt with me. Keyword: tried.

They always failed because for whatever reason, my heart just couldn't think of anyone else but the hazel-eyed boy impatiently waiting for me.

"I'm coming, you asshat," I said, walking toward him as my heels clicked against the ground with each step. "Maybe we should get you some more Adderall."

"Ha ha," he said dryly, linking his arm with mine. "Aren't you just a jokester."

"I try my best," I smugly said with a wink that made him look away with a small smile.

"Stiles! Riah!" Scott called out from ahead of us with wide eyes.

I yelped, gripping Stiles' arm as he pulled us faster, obviously desperate to get to Scott before the bell went. Even my own family wasn't that desperate to see me.

"Okay," Stiles said breathlessly, stopping us in front of Scott, "let's see this thing."

Scott lifted up his shirt with a grunt, showing us the medical padding stuck to his ribs with blood seeping through. My heart dropped as I smelt something familiar, leaning down to get a better look.

Scott put his shirt back down and I stood back up, unlinking my arm with Stiles. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf," Scott explained to us.

"Huh?" I said, my jaw dropping as the air left my lungs. "Oh God," I mumbled, taking in a deep breath and praying to God that it wasn't what I thought it was.

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles questioned and the three of us started walking toward the school doors. "No, not a chance."

"I heard a wolf howling," Scott said, tilting his head at Stiles with a questionable look.

Me on the other hand? I was hiding my full-blown dread. If what Scott was saying was true, then I knew exactly what was happening and it only confirmed my suspicions more. Which is terrible.

Howling to the Heart || Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now