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Scott ended up telling Allison the truth about her mom, what happened at the rave with Mrs. Argent trying to kill him. And then while they talked, Derek and Neriah had found Erica. Isaac was right. She had died. Neriah had never seen Derek so devastated and quiet. It was like he wasn't even there.

For the last four hours, Neriah had been running through the woods, trying to find a bloodthirsty Boyd and Cora. Neriah still hadn't been able to wrap her head around the fact that her cousin being alive. But Scott and her did find Boyd, who nearly killed two little kids and then they had to lose him again to get the kids to safety. Basically, they were on an easter egg hunt...But with werewolves, which lead to now.

Derek, Isaac, Scott, and Neriah were standing in the woods as they listened to Scott on the phone to Stiles who was with a shaken-up Lydia. The girl had somehow found a dead body at a pool, and they couldn't wrap their heads around how Lydia found it.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked into the phone, gaping at Neriah.

"Yep. Throat ripped out, blood everywhere. It's like the freakin' shining over here. If two little twin girls come out of the woods, start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I'm not gonna be surprised," Stiles rambled.

Neriah held her hand out to Scott and he gladly handed her the phone. "Can you get a little closer to make sure it was them?" she asked into the phone.

"Make sure it was them? Neriah, who else is going around ripping throats out?"

"Do you really want an answer to that?"

"No," he muttered.

"Then get your ass over to the body and look."

After Stiles stated that the throat was too bloody to figure out if there was claw marks, Scott spoke to him for a few minutes longer before hanging up and leaving everyone with too many unanswered questions.

"This doesn't make any sense," Derek said after a while. "The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near there."

"Derek, they killed someone," Neriah deadpanned, throwing her hands up.

"How are they moving so fast?" Derek asked.

"Derek," Scott tried to cut in, but failed.

"But they can't be that fast on foot."

"They. Killed. Someone," Neriah repeated, slower for him to understand. "Some totally innocent kid is dead."

"And it's our fault," Scott added.

"Excuse me?" Neriah turned him, raising an eyebrow. "What did we do?"

"It's my fault," Derek said quietly and Neriah was slightly surprised by that.

"We need help," Scott reminded them.

Derek shook his head, looking at Isaac. "We have Isaac now."

"I mean real help," Scott countered and Isaac sent him an offended look. Scott only shrugged. "They're too fast for us, for all of us. They're too strong, too rabid."

"I caught them twice and you two told me I couldn't kill them, so I had to let them go or I was gonna loose an arm," Neriah monotoned, sending the three of them an annoyed look.

"We'll catch them," Derek said and Neriah shook her head. She had caught them, and couldn't do a thing without needing to kill them to stop them, so how the hell did he think they could catch them again?

"What happens if we do?" Isaac asked. "We just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up? Even Riah couldn't hold onto them."

Derek looked at Neriah, like he was annoyed with whatever he was going to say. "Maybe Riah is right." Oh, she just knew he hated those words. "Maybe it would be easier to just kill 'em."

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