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Stiles' POV.

All afternoon I have been confused and somewhat lost. Riah was weird this afternoon with the way she was acting and clearly hiding the fact that she was upset over something she wouldn't tell me about.

At first, I thought maybe it was something to do with the whispers about Derek, but once she avoided Scott walking past her on the field, I knew it had to do with him. Riah usually smiled at him or talked to him, but today she out right glared at him, which was odd. And then he sat next to me, telling me that she apparently liked me, which by the way, I still can't wrap my head around and I'm not even going to bother since he was obviously lying. He had dried blood on his jersey and a pissed off look on his face while avoiding my eye contact.

It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots. Scott kissed Riah and she obviously did something about it to make him bleed. That also explained her smudge lipstick that is never ever smudged.

A week ago, I wouldn't think twice about it or get upset, but today? Yeah, I'm pretty upset. Which leads to another damn question: why was I so upset about it?

I took in a deep breath, pushing open Scott's door and walking inside. Scott may be on my pissed-off list right now, but I didn't want him killing anyone. But I did have a few ideas of payback on behalf of Riah.

"Scott?" Melissa asked when I closed the door behind me.

I gave her in awkward smile. "Stiles."

She nervously laughed and then pointed at my hand. "Key."

This was more awkward than having a silent dinner with Riah an hour ago. "Yeah," I laughed, holding the key up. "I had one made, so..."

"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me," she mumbled. "No Riah tonight?" She looked behind me, probably expecting Riah to walk through the door at any moment.

"Uh, she's back at mine," I said, leaning back on the heels of my feet. "The whole Derek Hale thing has taken a bit of a toll on her."

"I was worried it would," she said quietly, pulling out her phone. "I've been meaning to invite her over for dinner, but I've been so busy with work."

"Oh, that's okay. She's currently re-watching every Harry Potter movie," I lied straight through my teeth and then dropped my duffle bag full of chains on the ground, cringing at the sound.

She looked away from her phone and pointed to the bag. "What is that?"

"Uh," I drawled, looking back up at her. "School project." I really need to work on my lying skills.

"Mmm," she hummed, looking at me. "Stiles, he's okay, right?"

"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally," I babbled with a small laugh.

"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to."

Oh God, how do I get in these situations? "Well, he's had a bit of a rough week." Like Allison dumping him and Riah punching him in the nose, I wanted to say but decided against it for Riah's sake...And maybe to save my ass.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," she said quietly. "Um, okay. Be careful tonight."

"You, too," I awkwardly said, pointing my fingers at her. What the hell was that, Stiles?

I pushed open Scott's door and turned on the light only to jump back and feel my heart drop to my ass at the sight of him sitting in the corner.

"Dude," I breathed. "You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet." I walked over to him, dropping the duffle bag at his feet.

Howling to the Heart || Isaac LaheyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang