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I hate running. Hate it with everything in me. Stiles and I had to run to the hospital because my lovely father threw away the keys to the jeep. You would think a werewolf would love running, but not me. Not when I'm bloody injured.

The both of us rushed out of the elevator and straight away I noticed Mr. Stilinski glaring at Stiles.

"You know what?" Mr. Stilinski asked, stepping in our way. "It's good that we're in a hospital because I'm gonna kill you," he whispered shouted at Stiles.

Stiles nervously looked at me and then to his dad. "I'm sorry. I lost my keys to my jeep. We had to run all the way here."

"Stiles, I don't care!" his dad shouted, obviously beyond pissed.

I looked over his shoulder to see Lydia in a hospital bed with tubes and machines connected to her while her mom sat beside the bed with a worried look on her face. Lydia was hurt because I couldn't protect her in time from my own father. This was my fault.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked Mr. Stilinski.

He looked back at Lydia and then to us with a sigh. "They don't know, partially because they don't know what happened. She lost a lot of blood, but there's something else going on with her."

"W-What do you mean?" I stammered, feeling guilt consume me.

"The doctors say it's like she's having an allergic reaction," he explained to us. "Her body keeps going into shock. Did either of you see anything? I mean, do you have any idea who or what attacked her?"

Stiles swallowed hard, his heartbeat speeding up. "No, we have no idea."

"What about Scott?"

"What do you mean?" I questioned. "What about him?"

"Did he see anything?"

I furrowed my brows. "What do you—Is he not here?"

"What are you talking about? I've been calling him on his cell phone. I've gotten no response," Mr. Stilinski said frustratedly.

I looked behind him to see Jackson staring at us, obviously overhearing the conversation.

I don't know, he mouthed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, you're not gonna get one," Stiles said, looking down at his hands and then back to his dad.

A few minutes later, Mr. Stilinski was walking down a hallway filled with nurses and doctors with us. "Kids, listen, just go wait with your friends, all right?"

"Dad, just tell us. You know it has something to do with Derek," Stiles said tiredly.

"What?" his dad asked, looking around. "I thought you and Scott said you barely knew him."

Stiles gave me a defeated look. "We might not know him as well as Riah, but me and Scott might know him a little better than what we said."

Mr. Stilinski raised his brows before grabbing the back of Stiles' neck, pulling him away as I quickly followed. "You do realize that I'm elected to this job, right?"

"And if I help you figure this out, you'll be re-elected. Am I right?" Stiles asked. "Dad, come on."

"There might be a few things I could help with," I suggested as we stopped. "Family history and all that."

Mr. Stilinski looked like he was debating as he glanced between us. "You know what? That girl in there has got nothing to do with a six-year-old arson case."

"Hold on," I quickly said, shaking my head. "When did you decide it was definitely arson?"

He sent me an apologetic look, probably realizing that I had no idea. "When we got a key witness. And, no, I'm not tell you who it is, Stiles, but yeah, we know it's arson."

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