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This chapter is dark so TW: past trauma, mention of suicide, attempted suicide

Stiles was currently listening to a ranting Allison and Lydia in their room. Apparently, Lydia had heard a couple recite their suicide pact and then found out that the motel they were currently staying at was famous for one thing.


The girls explained that when Lydia had gone down earlier for new towels, the lady behind the desk explained everything and stated that the numbers hanging up on the wall behind her was the number of suicides and at the time, the number of suicides was one ninety-eight.

But when Allison went back down with her not too long after, the number was changed and had gone up by four.

Allison was quick to jump into a brief replay of what happened when Scott was in her bathroom while showering. He definitely wasn't himself.

"Last time I saw Scott act like that was during the full moon," Allison said, pacing across from Stiles.

"Yeah, I know," Stiles agreed with her. "He was definitely a little off with me too, but actually, it was Boyd who was really off. I watched him put his fist through the vending machine."

"See," Lydia jumped in, "it is the motel. Either we need to get out of here right now, or," she pulled open the drawer behind her, pulling out a bible, "someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism asap, before the werewolves go crazy and kill us."

"Okay, just hold on, all right?" Stiles put a hand up. "What if it's not just the motel? The number in the office went up by four, right?"

"You mean like four sacrifices?" Allison asked her as she clicked on to what he was suggesting.

"What if this time it's four werewolves?" Stiles stated more than questioned.

"Scott, Riah, Isaac, and Boyd," Allison whispered, looking from Stiles to Lydia. "But Riah isn't just a werewolf. She's a hybrid and we thought the Darach was only doing it in threes."

"But Riah is still part werewolf," Stiles countered, running a hand through his hair, feeling himself stress out about the thought of Riah or any of them dying. "She's stronger, more powerful, faster, and can only die by certain things. So what if her death gives the Darach more power?"

"And one of the others are a backup in case she can't be killed," Allison breathed with a look of realisation on her face, mixing with devastation.

"Maybe we were meant to come here," Stiles said with a dreadful feeling.

"Exactly!" Lydia exclaimed, waving around the bible. "So, can we get the hell out of here now? Please?"

Stiles focused his eyes on the bible in her hand, at the pages sticking out. "Wait, hang on. Let me see this." He quickly took it from her, opening it to newspaper clippings. His eyes widened with a sick feeling in his gut.

"What is that?" Allison asked as her and Lydia stood beside him, looking at the headline.

"Twenty-eight-year-old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri," Stiles read the headline before placing it on the bed and flipping to another page to find another clipping. He turned the bible on its side, shaking it only for more clippings of more deaths to fall out on the bed.

The three of them move the clippings around, reading each headline of suicides that occurred there.

"Oh, no," Lydia said, moving two of the clippings next to each other. "Look at these two. They both mention the room two-seventeen. There are probably all the suicides that happened in this room."

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