The One Where I Make A Friend

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     I've never faired well with the outside world

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I've never faired well with the outside world. There were too many prying eyes and false smiles. Too many monsters hidden in the shadows.

With their easy going nature and charisma. It was easy to like people like them. They were good at hiding who they were behind closed doors.

I know I liked a lot of bad people before I knew how bad they were. It was in their nature and it was in mine.

I stood beside Evan, dressed in oversized brown cargo pants and a black shirt that Cairo left behind years ago; it was a bit big, but everything I wore never fit me right anyway because nothing I wore ever solely belonged to me.

I leaned against my crutch, I was starting to get weary and my leg was throbbing. It'd been awhile since I'd been in such a public setting for such a long time.

My gaze zeroed in on a random corner as Evan and Lith talked and talked and talked. As if they couldn't do that sitting down.

My hand came up and I tapped the man beside yet. He stopped abruptly, looking down at me almost startled.

"Are you alright?" He rushed out, his eyes sweeping over me, "are you cold? I told you to bring a sweater. Lith-" Evan stopped talking when I sighed and rolled my eyes, shifting onto my good leg.

"Are you tired?" Lith put a hand on my shoulder, looking around for a place to sit.

I nodded immediately. I hated to be a burden, but I really needed a break. I needed a painkiller or to fall into another coma.

She ushered me onto a bench against a wall. I fell into it, releasing a satisfied sigh, the smallest hint of a smile reaching my lips.

"Maybe the mall was a bit of an ambitious place to visit," Lith admitted, staring at her husband guiltily.

"Did Samantha pick up your medicine from the pharmacy?" Evan questioned, looking at the pain filling my face. He sighed and grumbled something under his breath when I shook my head. "I don't know why I didn't ask sooner."

We all sat around in an uncomfortable silence until he sucked in a breath, "I'm going to see if they have any wheelchairs available."

Before I could protest he rushed off. The last thing I wanted was to look invalid and smaller. More vulnerable. It made a knot form in my stomach.

Lith ran a hand through my hair, "I'm going to get you a drink, hunny." I watched her leave helplessly.

I sat panicked and alone for a minute before a familiar voice reached my ears.

"Crow!" I recognized his blue hair and sharp features. It was the guy from the diner. What was his name, Davin? Dylan?


A smile bloomed on my face. I liked Dakota, he knew Quinnlyn and Jinx. He knows my favorite people.

He swaggered over, trailed by three other boys around his age. All sharing similar styles; dark colors and chains.

"What's going on little man?" He dropped into the empty space beside me. "Are you here alone?" His face fell into a frown.

The three other boys crowded around us, sitting on the bench or leaning against the wall, stared at me with an intense interest.

I hesitated before shaking my head. They were all intimidating and towered over me like all grown people did.

"Oh!" His smile returned, "I'll wait here with you then. These are my friends Rhys, Faron, and Zephr."

Rhys was the one sitting beside me, he had thick curly hair and dark skin. His nose and ears had silver studs and two chains hung from his neck and waist. His eyes were a rich brown and a glint existed in them that suggested he was down for whatever.

Faron was intimidating all over. He was the tallest of the group and his arms were well built. Everything about him was just...big? He looked like he could snap my neck with two fingers.

There was no doubt in my mind he was the oldest and probably the most quiet.

Zephr was the smallest, he was thin and his face looked young. He wore a long sleeve under a short sleeve button down and baggy jeans. He looked the most approachable- if he wasn't shadowed by Faron, as he was now.

"Hey," Rhys smirked, "Kota was going on and on about a little boy named Crow. Guess that's you, huh?"

I couldn't help but fold in on myself, fighting the urge to sit up straighter- taller. Little boy? I didn't like the label. I was just crow.

I once again moved my head to answer.

"What's up little man? Cat got your tongue?" The all barked out unkind laughs. I almost felt offended if it hadn't been for the way Zephyr clapped me on the shoulder.

"It's alright bird, you don't need to talk," he side eyed his friend with a displeased expression, "any friend of Kota's is a friend of mine."

Dakota slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me against him, "yeah, we're all friends here, bud. I have a feeling you and I are going to be very good friends."

I squirmed a bit in his hold. Glancing around the area in search for my parental figures.

Where was Lith with that drink and company? Where was Evan and the means for me to escape?

Faron still stood, silent, his eyes on me. They seemed familiar, but I couldn't place from where. We stared at one another for what felt like an eternity, stopping abruptly when Zephr shoved his friend and Rhys made some joke about feeling tension.

   I scrunched my nose and almost on instinct moved closer to the only slightly familiar person I knew. Dakota laughed at the gesture, "don't worry little man, Faron just looks scary. He's like a teddy bear."

   "I wouldn't say that," Rhys countered.

  "You're being generous," Zephr added.

   Dakota shook his head, "you guys are terrible, I'm trying to get this kid to be our new bestie and you're scaring him. Faron, go- go do something; I don't know."

   Faron rolled his eyes and turned to look at the people milling about instead of at us. I felt like I could breath easier with his eyes off me.

    Why did they seem so familiar?

   "Anyway," Dakota sighed, "have you gone to the arcade around here. That place is sick! We should go!"

   Rhys nudged his arm and nodded off at the distance, all of our attention falling on the woman approaching us.

   Lith. Finally.

   "Hello?" Her eyebrows scrunched as she scanned the scene before her. "Luca, do you these young men?"

    I brought a finger to my mouth and began nibbling on the skin around my thumb; nodding towards Dakota.

   A sudden realization dawned on her and her expression became pinched, "well...thank you for staying with him while I got his drink-"

   "You really shouldn't leave such a small child alone," Zephr smiled, but something dark lurked in his features as he flicked a bit of hair off my forehead, "you never know what someone could do, you know?"

   "I'm well aware," Lith chuckled, "so I think it's very great you guys stood by. Thank you."

   Dakota stood, followed by his posse, "of course. I'd do anything for a friend." They all nodded in agreement, sauntering off the way they came.

  Lith watched them leave, standing over me like a shield, "I don't want you anywhere near those boys," she said sternly.

   I had a sinking feeling I wouldn't have any control over that. And a part of me was fine with it. But I nodded anyway, for her sake and mine.

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