The One Where I Make Plans With Chris

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    It was a Saturday

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    It was a Saturday.

No school.

No miss-too-nice teacher.

No room of children I didn't want to be around.

Just me. And my bed.

There was also no Juliet. Or Quinn. And I wasn't going to see Jinx.

I groaned out loud, running both hands down my face; sucking my teeth when my cast knocked me in the eyebrow.

I couldn't wait to get this thing off.

Saturdays were usually spent laying in the guest bedroom listening to Juliet rant on and on about school and her mom and her nonexistent social life. I'd also use the time to talk to Isobella.

I hadn't talked to her in so long. I missed my baby sister, but I didn't want anyone to know she existed. How could I call her without a phone? How could I call her without explaining the reason I needed to make a call?

My new Saturday ritual would be laying in my bed, willing the world to wash away and avoid every living soul that lurked these walls I currently inhabit.

That seemed like a solid plan. A perfect plan.

A knock echoed through the room and I willed the person on the other side to just walk away. I didn't need to be seen everyday. I didn't need to be hovered over and fed every hour.

"Luca!" Christophen sang on the other side, barging into the room when he heard my annoyed grumble.

He laughed at the frown I gave him and fell into the empty space beside me. "This is comfy," he yawned the same way I do. Head thrown back, mouth wide open.

His eyes fell shut and stayed that way for the longest moment, I could have sworn he had fallen asleep until his eyes sprang open again, "did you know it's just the two of us here?"

I shook my head. I had just woken up, I didn't even know what time it was.

He sat up fast, a large grin painted on his face, "d'you know what that means?!"

I shook my head once more.

"We could do whatever we want! Dad won't be back until seven and Lith gets home at five. And! Dad said Zeke wasn't allowed back home for at least two weeks for what he did to you!"

  My cheeks turned scarlet. I wasn't aware that Christophen knew about my misfortune last night, but he seemed to know quite enough.

  "How are you by the way? I heard you got totally slammed at a party. What were you even doing there anyway?"

   I looked at the open closet door, wondering if I could just hide away until someone else comes around for Christophen to bother.

   He hummed,"don't feel like talking about it, huh? That's cool, you handled it like a pro though. Lith said to keep an extra close eye on who you're hanging with, we can't have you falling into the wrong crowd."

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