The One Where I Can't Find Him

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(Evan POV)

Lucariah was a child full of surprise and wonder ever since he was a little boy. He was a gift that kept on giving.

   When he was in kindergarten, he was in an accelerated reading program. In first grade, the only issue the teacher ever had was that he was a social butterfly that loved to joke so often they couldn't get through the lesson.

    Luca was my best child. Secretly- my favorite. But I was never his; he chased after his mother day in and day out. Cried when she wasn't around and refused to spend time with me.

   Lately though, the best child role has been stripped away from the bright little boy I used to know. I never expected to reunite with a boy so full of hatred; a storm cloud over his head.

   I wanted this to be an opportunity to finally be my little boy's favorite person- but he took to Christophen and he took to Lith.

   Lith- my darling wife, who's stood by my side through all of this has been distant. I trusted her with my world, but I lost my temper when she took Luca out.

   I don't know why, I don't understand. I grew jealous- I wanted the children in the kitchen with me. I wanted that time for ourselves- and she took him.

   I've tried to talk it out; but she's remained firm on staying away. I haven't slept by her side in two days and I feel empty.

I was on my way home now- rushing to see Luca as he had an accident on his first day. I couldn't leave work early; I had too much piled up.

Jericho said he'd only pick him up after school, as he had to pick up the girls anyway. But he needed to be picked up early. He wasn't supposed to stay.

I didn't bother getting in touch with Christophen, he had school, and he had work immediately after.

The only option left was Ezekiel. I know they didn't get on well, but I had hope that they could at least be civil. Maybe bond, but that was a far stretch.

   The moment I pulled into the driveway I rushed out of the car, eager to check on Luca. The second my foot touched into the house I could tell something was off.

   Luca wasn't one to make much noise, but there was an emptiness in the air that I couldn't understand.

   "Crow!" I called, waiting to hear the metallic clang of his crutches, the age old sigh he exhales whenever he's forced to move.

  "Crow?" I called again, moving further into the house. "Zeke!"

   I went down the hall to Luca's room, my heart sinking in my chest when I didn't find him in bed, his bathroom and closet doors wide open.

   I rushed up the stairs and threw open Ezekiel's bedroom door, "where is he?" I demanded when I caught sight of his hunched figure. Head in hands.

  His head snapped up, cheeks streaked red, he sniffed once, "who?"

   "Luca? Your brother, where is he?"

   Ezekiel stood fast, a look of concern etched on his face, "what do you mean? He's in his room!"

   "No he's not," I breathed, my heart pounding in my chest. In an instant, I had my phone in my hands, "pick up, pick up, pick up," I chanted. Hoping with everything in me that Lith would answer.


  "Lith," I breathed.

  "I can't talk right now, Evan."

  My breath caught in my throat at the hostile tone she used when addressing me. I really did mess up with her.

  "Sweetheart, is Luca with you?"

   She scoffed on the other line, "are you kidding me? The audacity you have must be immeasurable. No, Evan, I don't have L- didn't you take him to school?"

  I huffed out a breath, "yes, I got a call from the nurse and- Lith, he's not home."

  She swore under her breath, "well... find him? I'll ask around to see if anyone's seen him. Did he run out? Check the security cameras."

I nodded, rushing out of Ezekiel's room and going to mine. I pulled my laptop out from my dresser and logged in. My blood boiling when I saw Ezekiel hurrying out around the time I called him, and returning hours later, a hop in his step; Luca, nowhere to be found.

   "Ezrkiel Lennon Calloway!" My voice boomed, I stomped out of my room, feeling an anger rise in me when I saw the concern in his eyes.

We met in the middle of the hallway, my fist colliding with the middle of his face.

"What did you do to him?!" I shoved him to the ground, "what did you do to Luca!?"

  "I didn't do anything," he pleaded, "I swear it!"

  I'd never been one to put hands on my children. Never in my life did I ever want to even think about it. I was raised with gentle hands and warm arms and I treated my children the same.

   But there was a first time for everything and Ezekiel wasn't a child anymore. I'd make sure he disappears without a trace if we can't find where he put my little boy.

"Until you bring me my son, whole and hale, you are no longer allowed in my house! Get out!"


"Go," I gritted out. My heart was pounding in my chest, I didn't know where to look- what to do. Where could I start?

I paced up and down the neighborhood for what felt like hours before hauling myself into my car and driving to Lith's job.

"Lith!" I called for her as she rushed to her car, "Lith, hun?!"

She looked in my direction and froze; I was shocked to see the distress and pain written on every inch of her face.

"Tell me you found Luca," she gasped, "please tell me you found him."

"No," I groaned, "I don't know where to look. Where do I look?"

"Call his mama," Lith suggested, "maybe she knows a spot he likes to go to from time to time. Maybe he went there?" She was pulling at straws now.

"I don't know why he'd leave like that," she muttered to herself.

"He didn't leave-"

"He didn't?"

  I heaved a long suffering sigh, explaining to her what I found- and what I did.

"Oh," she gasped when I said what Ezekiel did, then she laughed when I told her what I did. "Serves him right! But, I'm serious, call his mama, she might know a thing or two."

   I huffed out a breath and fished out my phone from my pocket, I almost gave up when the line rang and rang relentlessly.

   "Can I help you?" A young girl sassed. The voice sounded familiar; I squinted my eyes in thought and came up with two brown braids, the almond eyes. That attitude.

   It's Juliet. She called Luca her brother. She was Samantha's stepdaughter.

   "Is Sam home?"

  She sighed, "can I ask who's calling?"


  "Evan Calloway!" A sharp voice barked from a distance , Juliet released a yelp and the voice was on the line.

  "Why am I getting a call from Atticus Greenwich, telling me my son is drugged at a high school party!?"

   "He's what?!"

   My stomach sank to the floor, this is bad.

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