The One Where I Go To School

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  Animals are very simple creatures

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Animals are very simple creatures. They wake, they eat, they sleep. The cycle continues until they die.

Their sole purpose is to

I wonder sometimes why people are so obsessed with being more, doing more, having more. We never seem to be satisfied.

I sat in the backseat of Evan's car, a crossover bag resting in the space between my crossed arms and my chest.

A carefully pressed pair of pants covered my legs and a starched white button down shirt protected my arms ; a blood red waistcoat completed the look.

I was going to school. And I looked ridiculous.

Blair and her sister sat in the back with me. Whispering among themselves with matching skirts and smiles.


The school I'd been assigned was a preppy private school. Honing children's mind in their way of thinking starting at just five years old.

Blair said she planned on leaving before high school started.

I didn't care. Nothing seemed to matter much to me these past few days.

  If I could just be. I think I'd be happy.

  "Are you excited for your first day, L- Crow?"

  I stared out the window not bothering to offer a response. I was fed up with Evan and his bright attitude.

   There were no gray clouds in his world and it didn't seem fair that it was always raining in mine.

   Though, I suppose there was one cloud blocking his sun. Lith refused to hold a civil conversation with him. Always frowning and pulling away from him.

   I don't think he realizes that he hadn't apologized for the way he overreacted to her leaving with me.

But, she's taken it to heart. And I too have had to suffer. I don't think she realizes that she's been avoiding me since she went to eat dinner in her room two nights ago. But I've felt the loneliness creep up on me.

Sinking it's claws in the cavities of my heart.

Did I really get attached so fast? Maybe it's a good thing she's creating distance. It'd be a pain to watch another person I care for willingly leave me behind again.

If she leaves.

Evan sighed loudly, "could you please stop ignoring me?" I too sighed, watching as the new school came into view.

It was an overwhelmingly tall and wide building. Too much glass, too many people. It made me long for my old school chapel, with its splintered wooden pews and twenty total students.

"You're being disrespectful," Blair chastised; I rolled my eyes. She was trying to smother me in directions.

Do this Luca. Do that Luca.

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