Tomato head (2018)

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TW: description of blood and gore (not very good ones but there still there)

The Krang threw Mikey and Donnie into the fight, Mikey landed on the cold metal floor of the Kranges ship, while Donnie slammed into Leo, the twins tumbled into a heap five feet away from Mikey.

Mikey sat up rubbing his head before a shadow loomed over him,

Raph lunged.

Mikey screamed.


Mikey struggled to see what was going on.

But he had his other senses.

He could smell the disgusting smell of Krang slime that was covering his bro.

He could hear Leo calling out to Raph, telling Raph to let Mikey go.

He could feel the painful grip Raph had on his head. Raph had always been the strong one. Once Mikey remembers Raph breaking a walnut with his bare hands.

But Mikey wasn't scared. No. His brothers would save him. They would find a way to save Raph and stop the Krang. Besides Raph would never hur-

"I've had enough of this!" the Krang announced "Kill him"

The pressure on his head increased.

Mikey freaked out. He couldn't retracked into his shell. He wasn't safe.

"Mikey! Raph Stop!" That was Leo!

Leo would save him it was going to be-

Mikey felt pain.




He screamed, a blood curdling scream.

It felt like his head was going to explode.

There was a crack.

He tasted blood.

Then he was falling into white.


Leo scrambled to his feet looking at the sight before him.

Raph was facing Leo, his right are extended holding Mikey by his head.

"Raph" Leo said taking a step forward "Let Mikey go"

Raph just looked at him, tightening the grip he had on Mikey's head earning a small whine from the box turtle.

"Raph you're hurting him, you're hurting your little brother." Leo said taking another step forward.

"He can't hear you" the Krang sang, grinning showing his ugly teeth.

Leo ignored him, only concentrating on Raph and Mikey.

Donnie groaned as he sat up, confused.

Raph's grip tightened.

"Raph I know you can hear me!" Leo called out "You have to let him go!"

Donnie watched as Leo pleaded with Raph to let Mikey go.

The Krang shifted on his throne.

"Come-on Raph just let him go" Donnie piped up from behind Leo

"I've had enough of this!" the Krang announced "Kill him"

Leo felt his blood run cold as Raphs grip tightened once more.

This time Mikey screamed.

It was a horrible sound.

Leo hated it.

But then it stopped.

Leo closed his eyes

Leo wished Mikey had just kept screaming.

There was a crack.

And a splat.

A sound that echoed around the ship.

Then a thump.

Leo opened his eyes.

Raph's right side of his face was covered in blood and brain matter, so was his arm, and his fist.

Mikey's body was on the ground.

Leo could see.

Donnie froze.

Mikey's head was a pile of flesh and blood, shards of his skull sticking out of it.

Raph had popped Mickey's head like a tomato.

The Krang crackled.  

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