Let go (2018)

43 3 0

TW: implied/referenced death

Leo was in his room with paper all over the floor, Mikey sitting next to him pen in hand.

He and Mikey had been drawing, in silence.

But not a bad silence.

A calming one.

Which was nice.

It had been a week since the Krang and things slowly had (thankfully) started going back to normal.

Leo looked at his empty paper not knowing what to draw.

"It's not your fault Leo" Mikey said suddenly.


"The Krang" Mikey said "It wasn't your fault"

Leo grimed "I mean it sort of was? I lost the key, it went down hill from there"

Mikey retched and grabbed a blue marker off the floor.

"You can't keep blaming yourself Leo. It's not good for you."

"Ok Dr. Feelings." Leo said rolling his eyes

Then Leo heard sniffling.

Mikey was crying.

"Hey Mikey, its ok-"

"No, it's not Leo!" Mikey exclaimed turning to face Leo.

"For the past week you have been blaming yourself for what happened!"

Mikey grabbed Leo by the shoulder.

"I hate watching you blame yourself for something that was out of your control! I did what I did to save you! You were going to die!"

"Mikey what are you talking about?"

Leo grabbed Mickey's hands and held them.

"Mikey the Krang are gone, we won! No one died!"

Mikey froze and looked Leo right in the eye.

"Leo you can't keep doing this. You need to let go."

Leo was confused.

What was Mikey talking about?

"Let go of what Mikey?"

Mikey smiled.

"Just let go."


Leo woke up with a start and looked around.

He was still in his room with Mickey's art strewn all over the room.

He was holding something.

He looked down.

It all came rushing back.

Mikey ripped open a hole in space to save Leo

And hell it worked.

Leo was saved.

Mikey had saved him.

Then Mikey cried.

And the perfect moment was gone and Leo watched his brother crumble into ash.

So Leo saved him.

Most of him anyway.

Clutching the jar tighter, Leo sobbed.

It was his fault, his fault.

Tears fell down his face hitting the lid of the jar.

His fault.


He misses Mikey so much.

He just wanted him back.

Leo cried himself back to sleep.

Mikey still held in his arms.

Leo would never let go.

Not ever.

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