suffocating alone (2012)

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TW: suffocation, mention of blood

The air in dimension X is thick and toxic, making every breath a struggle for Mikey.

The pink sky hangs low above him, like a blanket of cotton candy stretched impossibly thin.

He was leaning up against a metallic rock,

His shell bleeding from the spider web cracks running across it,

His baby blue eyes are covered by his third eyelid to protect them from the discomfort of the fumes, but he can't tear them away from the unnatural hue of the sky.

The broken tip of his breathing machine is still in his mouth

it was not helping much anymore.

never should have gone in here by himself.

His brothers were right.

He screwed up big time.

Mikey reaches into his belt, feeling around for his T-phone.

He doesn't have much time left, and he knows that.

Pulling out his device, he starts to record a video of himself.

"Hey, bros it's Mikey. If you're watching this, that means I fucked up big time and am dying. Yeah, bummer, I know.." He coughed violently, fighting for air.

"Donnie... I'm really gonna miss you, man. I left some old machine parts on my dresser, I forgot to give em to you earlier."

Mikey let out a string of coughs.

"They were for that thing you were working on, you know, with the... the... ah, you know what I mean. Anyway, they're there if you still want 'em."

Mikey heaved before continuing

"Leo there is a copy of 'Space heroes: the final frontiers' under my bed behind my box of old drawings"

he paused for a moment letting out sickening coughs

" it was supposed to be a surprise but I guess i won't be able to get it to you"

Mikey let out a half hearted laugh

"And Raph... I guess you can have Mr.Snuggles back. I know it was yours to begin with, and I don't really need it now. I know you still like him though."

His voice trails off as he looks away, fighting back tears.

"Anyway, that's it, I guess. I just wanted to say goodbye, and... and that I'm really sorry for running off without a plan. Some ninja I was Hu?

Mikey wheezes a tear slipping down his cheek.

" I bet you guys would be proud to know I survived for as long as I did."

Mikey smiled

"Three months is a long time, you know. Especially for the fuck up of the family"

"you know i used to be mad at you guys..."

all those times I had screamed into the sky.

"you know for .....'abandoning' me"

I don't care anymore

"but I get it now...."

I was a liability I understand why they didn't come get me.

"So just go out there and kick some Krang butt for me, and tell Kari I wish I got to know her better,will ya?" he says, choking back a sob.

Black spots swirling in his vision as the phone drops from his hand,

The phone spinning in mid air.

Yea...... that stopped being cool after the third week of being in this hell scape.

He had been stuck here for three months.


But it didn't matter now because it was finally over.

He could f i n a l l y l e a v e .

He co









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