Bonk (2003)

36 1 0

TW: blood

Raph lunges at Mikey, but Mikey easily side steps out of the way.

With a quick flip and kick, Mikey sends Raph flying across the room, directly into a table.

The impact shatters the table and sends wooden splinters flying through the air.

Raph lands on his shell, glaring at Mikey with anger in his eyes.

"You think that's funny, punk?!" he growls, his fists clenched tightly.

Mikey turns and starts walking away, making some remark about Raph's fighting style.

Raph, still seething with anger, grabs a lead pipe from the floor as he stands and lunges at Mikey, taking him by surprise and knocking him to the ground.

The lead pipe rises above his head

Ready to deliver.

"Raph wait!" Mikey calls, lifting his hands above his face as if trying to protect himself.

Raph's eyes narrow, his muscles tense, and his grip on the pipe tightens.

"Look, I didn't mean anything by it, okay? I was just having a little fun-

Mikey doesn't finish his sentence before the pipe is brought down on his head, sending a sickening crunch through the room.

Blood splatters against the floor as Raph's anger gets the better of him.

He raises the pipe again, preparing to deliver another blow, when he suddenly feels someone grab his arm and yank him back.

"Raph, stop it!" Leonardo yells, his voice shaking with fear.

Mikey lays motionless on the ground, blood pooling around his head as Donnie stands over him.

Raphael's face is twisted in rage, as he looks at his younger brother's broken body.

Donatello's hands are shaking as he kneels next to Mikey, desperately trying to staunch the flow of blood.

"Raph...what the fuck did you do..?" Donnie asks his voice shaking.

Oh shit.

What had he done?

"I...I didn't mean to." But it's already too late.

Mikey's breathing is shallow and ragged, his eyes half-open, staring sightlessly up at the ceiling.

The reality of what he's done sinks in, Raph drops to his knees, Leo falls with him holding him back and away from Mikey.

Tears streamed down Raph's face. "I'm sorry,... I'm so sorry...

As the silence in the room grows heavy, Mikey's chest stops moving.

His eyes lose their focus and his limbs grow limp in Donnie's arms.

Leo's grip on his brother tightens as he realizes what has happened.

"No... no, please...!" Raph sobs.

Donatello looks up at his brothers, his eyes wide with fear and disbelief.

Leonardo clutches onto Raph, not knowing what to do or say.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Raph realizes that Mikey isn't coming back.

And its all his fault.

His fault


Raph can't take it anymore.

he pushes Leo away, gets up and



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