"Candle man"(2012/2018)

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TW: mention of fire (idk what else)

His was a request by: HiItsJHere on ao3 who requested:

"He is frozen too long and freezes to death"

Witch was very vague but I worked with what I had

Of course it had to be winter.

Because the universe hated him.

It was freezing and Mikey didn't have a coat.

It was freezing and Mikey had gotten lost.

It was freezing and Mikey was soaked.

T-phone? Nope lost it in the fight with the mutant.

Of course.

At least he saved his bros.

But then again it was his plan that got him lost in the sewers.

During the coldest time of the year.

With a possible concussion.

Mikey trudged forward.

He had to keep moving.

You stop moving, you get cold.

You get cold, you get tired.

You get tired, you well-

You could die.

He tried to remember what Donnie had said about hypothermia. But honestly his brain was too foggy to think at all.

Everything hurts.

He felt slow.

But he kept going.

His brothers would find him.

He knows they will.

They always do.

Maby he could take a small brake.

His feet hurt and so did his head.

Yea, that sounds like a good idea.

Mikey sat down. Shell agent the sewer wall.

He thought about how his perfect plan had gotten him here.

The brothers had been fighting a new mutant.

Mikey had nicknamed him ~Candle man~

Poor dude was working at a candle shop when he somehow got his hands on some mutagen and it all went to shit after he accentually burned down three blocks.

He and his brothers were trying to put him out.

Ah that's right the pressure valve.

Great plan.

Horrible execution.

Because now he was here.

Whatever "here" was.


He opened his eyes.

Get up. You have to keep moving

That was Leo.

If Leo was telling him to do something it obviously was important.

Mikey almost always listens to Leo.

Begrudgingly Mikey pulled himself up from the ground and started walking.

God Mikey's head hurt.

Like someone was pounding on his skull.

Mikey walked for what felt like forever.

Where were his brothers?

He was freezing.

His hands hurt and his feet hurt.

Then he noticed he was crying.

Cold streaks fell down his face.

It felt like a hundred knives were stabbing him.

He took another step.

And missed.

He tumbled to the ground.

Mikey didn't get up. He was just.

Too tired.

Black spots swarmed his vision.

When did his eye lids get so heavy..... It's so cold.

He hates the cold.

He wants the cold to stop.

He just wants to sleep.

So he does.

Dead shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora