venom or poison (2012)

44 1 0

TW: blood

The wind howled through the city of New York as Raph and Mikey stood on the rooftop, surveying the city below.

It was supposed to be a simple patrol.

Go out, stop some muggings, go home eat some pizza,

Mikey shifts his weight from foot to foot, his nunchaku swinging gently at his side.

"Mikey, I think someones watching us," Raph mutters, reaching for his sais.

"You sure?" Mikey asks.

Suddenly, Karai appears out of the shadows, a malicious grin spreading across her face. "I've been waiting for you, turtles. I have a score to settle with ," she hisses her snake-like tongue flicking in and out.

Mikey and Raph tense up, ready to defend themselves. They instinctively get into fighting stances, their weapons at the ready.

"What do you want, Karai?" Raph demands, his expression furious.

"I want Leo to suffer, that's what I want!" she hisses, her fangs bared. "And what better way than to slowly kill his brothers..."

With a hiss, Karai's body contorts, stretching and twisting as her arms lengthen and her hands become snake heads

she snarls, lunging forward at Mikey with her snake-arms extended.

Mikey leaps back, narrowly avoiding the attack.

He swings his nunchucks at one of the snake heads, but it misses and thumps against the ground.

Raph charged forward, aiming a powerful roundhouse kick at another snake head.

The impact sends Karai stumbling back, but she quickly regains her balance.

Karai jumps at the two turtles, her snake-like arms stretching and moving with incredible speed.

Raph, anticipating the attack, leaps forward and delivers a powerful kick to Karai's midsection.

The force of the blow sends her flying through the air and crashing down onto the concrete below.

She hits the ground hard, causing her to go unconscious

Mikey and Raph jump down after her.

Mikey kneeling down beside her, making sure she's really out, while Raph whips out his t-phone and hastily dials Leonardo's number.

"Hey Leo we got Kari- yea were fine fearless.... How is she? Unconscious."

Mikey watches as Raph paces as he talks to Leo.

A shiver ran down his spine as he felt something touched his ankle.

Mikey glanced down

And screamed

Before Raph can hang up, he hears Mikey let out a scream.

He turns around to see Karai, her snake-like arms wrapped around Mikey's ankle, sinking her fangs deep into his green skin.

Mikey Kicks Karai in the face causing her to let go as he stumbles backward, clutching his wounded leg.

"Shit!" Raph curses, quickly dropping the phone and running over to Mikey as Karai slithers away and disappears

"Raph, I... I don't feel so good," Mikey manages to get out between ragged breaths, his eyes already looking unfocused.

Raph's face pales in fear as he realizes what's happening. "No, Mikey... Stay with me, buddy..."

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