Just a little pinch (2012)

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TW: Blood, vomit, gore, maggots (not really but if you don't like maggots you won't like this)

Tigerclaw roughly straps Mikey to the table, making sure he is in an upright position.

The turtle's head lolls to the side, his eyes fluttering open and shut as he tries to regain consciousness.

The room around him is dimly lit and filled with all sorts of strange equipment.

A tank of mutagen hangs overhead, casting eerie green shadows across the walls.

The laboratory reeks of disinfectant and other chemicals

Mikey tries to gather his thoughts, mustering up a brave smile for his captor.

"Hey, bro... I'm sure we can work something out," he says,trying to stall.

His brothers will get here soon.

"I mean, you don't really want to do this, do you? The Shredder's gonna be pissed when he finds out you've killed one of his favorite turtles."

Tigerclaw lets out a sinister chuckle. "Oh, don't worry, little one. I'm not going to kill you... not right away, at least."

He paces back and forth in front of Mikey, his guns swinging menacingly.

"No, the Shredder has something much more interesting planned for you." He leans in close, his breath hot on Mikey's face. "And who knows? Maybe after a little... reconditioning, you'll be just as loyal to the Shredder as I am."

Suddenly, there's a commotion outside the laboratory.

A buzzing sound echoed through the hallway, growing louder as it approached.

The door swings open and Baxter Stockman flies in, his bug eyes darting about nervously.

He's carrying a small vial filled with multiple squirming brainworms. "Ah, Tigerclaw! Shredder was beginning to wonder where you'd gotten off to," he says. "We had a small setback, the red turtle and the other mutants were able to break out of the mind worm's control."

Tigerclaw rolls his eyes.

"Well, that was unfortunate. Still, Shredder insists that we continue with the original plan." He nods towards Mikey.

Mikey smiles happily, knowing Raph was able to snap out of it.

"Looks like my brother was no match for your stupid brain worms," he says, sticking out his tongue.

"But don't worry, dude," he continues, "I'm sure you can find some other mutant to experiment on."

He glances over at Baxter, noticing the vial of brain worms in the scientist's hands. "Or maybe not," he adds with a shy grin.

Baxter nods and approaches the lab table. "Ah yes, the orange one. Quite the feisty one, isn't he? Well, I've made some adjustments to the formula. This should do the trick." He removes the cap from the vial, revealing about ten thick brainworms wriggling about.

He reaches into the jar with some metal tongs and carefully extracts one of the worms, holding it over Mikey's head.

"Just a little pinch, shouldn't take but a moment."

Tigerclaw eyed Mikey as the turtle thrashed in the restraints, crying out pleads of mercy.

He takes a step forward, watching the brainworm dangle above Mikey's head.

"Well, it seems like our little orange friend isn't going to cooperate easily. But I'm sure this will make him see reason." He looks back at Baxter, nodding in agreement. "Stockman. Let's get this over with."

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