Hug (2012)

52 1 0

TW: blood, vomit, worms

"Dude... Raph... come on, man... It's just me. You don't wanna do this." Mikey says as he tries to step closer to Raph

The other turtle only makes a threatening growl, gauntlets pointed at Mikey's chest.

Raph suddenly lunges at Mikey.

Mikey tenses, ready to dodge the attack

He raises his nunchaku in defense. The metal chains connecting the two turtles rattle as they collide, the force of the impact sending waves of pain through Mikey's shoulders.

The tension in the room is thick with the stench of sweat and fear.

Mikey can hear Donnie and Rockwell fighting.

"C'mon, bro! It's just me! Remember? You can fight this!" Mikey tries to push back against Raph's but the red clad turtle is too strong.

They circle each other, grunting with the effort of their movements.

Raph's sais flash in the dim light, a deadly blur as he swings them back and forth, trying to find an opening in Mikey's defense.

Mikey sees Leo running over trying to help him fight against raph.

Hope blooms in his chest.

The bloom is severed right as Tigerclaw tackles Leo keeping him away from Mikey and Raph.

Mikey turns his attention back to Raph.

"Raph... it's me, Mikey! You can fight this!" Mikey yells, his voice wavering between hope and fear.

He continues to dodge and block Raph's attacks

but he knows he can't keep this up forever.

Raph then lunges at Mikey with both gauntlets aimed at his chest.

Mikey sees the attack coming and quickly ducks under it.

With a quick kick to the side, he sends Raph flying into the wall.

The force of the impact knocks the wind out of Raph and momentarily disorients him.

Seizing the opportunity, Mikey rushes forward, his nunchaku swinging wildly.

He connects with Raph's arms, sending pain shooting up his limbs. Raph stumbles back.

Raph looks confused for a moment.

He stumbles forward, reaching out to his brother. "Mikey...? Mikey...?"

His voice is laced with confusion and fear as the blades of the gauntlets retract.

"Raph... it's me. It's Michelangelo." Mikey says, his voice cracking with emotion.

He steps closer to Raph, reaching out a hand to help him up.

"Come on,'s ok."

Raph takes a shaky step forward, his hands shaking as he reaches out to take Mikey's hand.

"Mikey... I'm... " He lunges forward and embraces Mikey.

Mikey was stunned for a second before wrapping his arms around Raph, pulling him close as they cling to each other.

There's a brief moment where Mikey feels a surge of relief, of being together again, before the reality of their situation comes crashing back down.

A sudden, sharp pain sears through Mikey's chest and a crack is heard.

Leo and Donnie let out strangled cries and leatherhead roars trying to charge at Raph only getting held back by Slash.

As the gauntlet blades had plunged straight through his chest.

His shell cracked from where two crimson tips poked out of his back.

He coughed up blood, his vision starting to blur. "Raph......?" he gasps, grip on his brother loosening.

Mikey collapses to his knees, Raph falling with him

"Raph... I know you didn't mean it..." Mikey whispers, feeling the warmth of his blood trickling down his chest and out of his mouth.

He tries to keep his eyes open, but the pain is becoming too much.

"It's... it's okay... I forgive's not your fault" Mikey whispers, his voice barely audible over the sound of his labored breathing.

Raph's grip tightens around Mikey as he feels the life draining from his brother's body. He looks down at the blood-covered gauntlet in his hand, horror and disbelief written across his face. "No... no, I didn't mean to..." he whispers, slipping his hand out from the gauntlet and cupping his little brother's face.

Blood continues to trickle down his chest, "I... I always knew you'd... come back to us..." He coughs, wincing in pain.

A wave of nausea hits Raph as he turns away from Mikey, throwing up the brain worm that had been inside his head.

The disgusting thing slithers out of his mouth and onto the floor, writhing pathetically.

He gasps for breath, feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

As he looks back to see Mikey's body lying on the ground, blood pooling.

Tears streaming down his face, Raph looks on in horror.

He feels numb as Donnie runs up pushing him away from Mikey.

"No... no, please, Mikey... I didn't mean it..." he sobs, reaching out to his dying brother only to be hugged by Leo.

Raph's sobs turn into wails as he looks down at Mikey's pale, blood-covered face as Donnie gently wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. "No... no, I'm sorry... Mikey... please..." Raph whispered, finally processing the fact that Leo had his arms around him and sobbed into Leo's shoulder.

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