Safe (2003)

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TW: vomit, blood, cursing 

This was requested by Smile who requested:
Since you expanded to 2003, you can kill Mikey in the episode Grudge Match and make his family feel guilty for abandoning him.

"Now!" Kluh grumbled, holding Mikey up by his leg. "Now you learn the meaning of pain,"

Mikey wished he had run away like he wanted to earlier.

To decline the challenge and just forfeit.

But his brothers wouldn't let him.

They wanted to see this.

Bruises were already forming on his arms and legs.

Being thrown high against the barrier and hit with Kluh's weapon so hard it snapped in two will do that to a turtle.

However Mikey knew it wasn't enough for him.

Kluh wanted to cause more pain.

Mikey found himself being thrown against the blue barrier with enough force to knock the wind out of him once more.

He grimaced as he sat up, pain exploding in his shell.

"I. . .I should be portaling out of here. . . any second now!"

Desperation and panic laced his voice.

Why wasn't he being portaled out to safety?!

To his brothers?!

What happened to the safety precautions?!

They were working just fine earlier!

He should have been sent out when Kluh hit him!


Did the rules change for this match?!

The Daimyo would have told them right?!


Kluh picked him up by his arm.

"No one to save you this time," Kluh mocked with a wide sneer.

Dread bloomed in Mikey's chest.

He was gonna die.

A large fist connected with his plastron, causing him to cry out in pain.

Kluh hit again.

Mikey felt something inside his chest snap.

Third time.

A loud deafening cracking filled the air.

Fourth time.

Kluh hit directly on his plastron and the pain overwhelmed him.

Mikey felt something break open as black spots swarmed his vision

He could hear the crowd.




There was at least a lot of shouting around him.

Or maybe that was just the ringing in his ears.

"You are not taking your studies seriously, Michelangelo. "

His father was right.

Maybe he wouldn't be in so much pain if he had trained better, instead of goofing off.

He didn't deserve the title of the Battle Nexus champion.

Of course he didn't.

God dammit.

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