It's "panic at the disco" man, not in the sewers (2012)

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TW: blood, vomit, cursing 

this was requested by Wildcard who said:

Loving the angst so much oh my god. Would love to see one with the 12 boys where something Splinter does indirectly(or directly up to you) leads to Mikey's death, causing Leo to get M A D. I'm a sucker for protective Leo hahaha

To say Leo was mad was an understatement

He and his brothers were grounded

For doing what you may ask?

Trying to keep their home safe that's what.

Leo grimaced as the argument with their father still rang in his ears.

"Sensei we have to leave! The sewers aren't safe anymore!" Leo yelled out

"You and your brothers will go nowhere!" Splinter snapped

"But Master Splinter, the Shredder is going to do something to the sewers!" Raph growled

"What could he possibly do to us? Yes he knows we are in the sewers but he does not know where." Splinter said in an uncomfortably calm voice.

"Sensei please you have to listen to us!" Mikey interjected his voice filled with worry

"Sensei, please you are being irrational! We know that that the Shredder is a smart man, he may not know exactly where we live but-"

"No buts Donatello. If you go to the surface the shredder will find you and he will kill you."

"But if we stay we will all die the same!" Leo snapped

"ENOUGH" Splinter yelled, slamming his cane down, the loud sound reverberating around the dojo.

"All of you will be going nowhere! You are all grounded!!"

Now Leo was stuck in his room while the shredder could be on his way to kill them all.

Why couldn't Splinter just listen to them?

A buzzing from his t-phone yanked him out of his thoughts.

It was a text from Donnie.

Purple_Is_Scientifically_superior:So what's the plan Leo?

Captan_Leoardo: Honestly I have no idea.

Redteror: Honestly I think Splinter needs to get his head out of his ass.

_xXx_Mikey_xXx_: langage raph >:/

Purple_Is_Scientifically_superior: Guys! Focus on the task at hand! Shredder should be on his way right now!

Redteror: its kinda hard to do anything when splints has put the place in lockdown.

Captan_Leoardo: Well we have to do something? Anyone got any ideas?

Redteror: i say we just break out of here and stop the shred head before it goes to shit.

_xXx_Mikey_xXx_: no way Raph we cant do that master splinter will kick r butts!!1!!

Purple_Is_Scientifically_superior: I mean Spliner has to let us out to go get supplies and stuff right?

A knock came from the door.

Captan_Leoardo: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"My sons it is time to eat"


Dead shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon