Orange moon (2012)

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TW: blood 

"Mikey!" Raph screamed

All three big brothers watched in horror as their little brother rolled down the hill.

Raph let out a yell of fury as he charged at Jei.

"Donnie go help Mikey!" Leo ordered body turning into a fighting stance, "I'll help Raph just GO!"

Donnie didn't have to be told twice as he slid down the steep hill,

landing gracefully on his feet.

The purple masked turtle's eyes landed on his baby brother lying so still.

Donnie rushed to his little brother's side.

"Mikey". Donnie whispered kneeling down touching his brother's side,

Gently, Donnie rolled his little brother so he was facing him.

Eye's steamed with tears as he saw what the blade had done to his brother.

His plastron was cracked at the left side of his stomach, the wolf's blade going in enough to puncture it.

Blood poured from the wound.

From just looking at the injury Donnie knew

It was fatal.

Nothing that could be done, he didn't have anything to help.

And the wound was so deep.

"Donnie?" Mikey rasped weakly eyes fluttering open

Mikey let out a wet cough groaning as a jab of pain flared through him.

"Shh Mikey don't speak". Donnie whispered, cradling Mikey against his chest.

"Save your energy".

"Donnie, am I going to die?" Mikey whispered his fear filled eyes locked with Donnie's.

"No of course not". Donnie lied,

"'we'll get you patched up. You're going to be fine Mikey".

Mikey searched his brother's face for a moment,

He either accepted Donnie's reassurance or knew his fate.

He nuzzled his head into his brother's chest.

His body trembled.

"Donnie". Donnie snapped his head towards his big brother's voice

Leo and Raph approached the younger brothers.

Fear painted on both their faces.

"How is he?"

Donnie swallowed thick, tears slipping down his face,

His gaze landed back at Mikey who had fallen into a painful sleep.

"The wound is too deep". Donnie whispered. "There's no way I'd be able to get supplies and fix him up in time. It's already done too much damage".

Leo felt his heart shatter into a million pieces,

He gazed at his Red banded brother who had tears in his eyes.

Both brother's knelt next to Donnie, both putting their arms around him and Mikey.

Tears filled all of the big brothers' eyes as they gazed at Mikey whose breathing was slowing.

Whose eyes were closed,

features twisted in pain.

Mikey took a in a breath

Then let it out.

He didn't take another.

Leo, Raph and Donnie laid their heads on their baby brother, soft sobs shaking their frames.

"I sense the evil inside of you 3".

The three turtles slowly lifted their heads


their eye's glowing white.

"And I will purge it".


"Guys! Wake up! You're dreaming".

Leo, Raph and Donnie blinked awake before their eyes got into focus

their baby brother who they had just saw murdered.

was standing in front of them.

Concern written all over his freckled face.

"Mikey!". All three of them gasped.

Before Mikey could say a word all 3 brothers jumped at Mikey

Tackling him to the ground

Their arms wrapped around their baby brother.

Mikey blinked for a second before his eyes softened slightly pulling his brothers close.

He could feel them trembling.

So he held them tighter.

"You were controlled by Jei's magic". Usagi said.

"It felt so real". Donnie whispered a three fingered hand on his forehead.

He gazed up at Mikey for a moment his eye's watering at the sight of his baby brother alive.

"The next time I see that wolf". Raph growled, clenching his fist.

"Are you sure you're OK Mikey?" Leo asked looking Mikey over for any sign of injury.

"I'm fine guys honest". Mikey smiled softly. "Usagi, could you give me a minute alone with my brothers?".

The Samurai rabbit gave a brief nod, gesturing to Kintaro to follow him."Do not take too long, we must keep going. We still may not be out of danger".

Mikey turned to back his brothers who were still trying to get up, he knelt and sat down next to them.

They all refused to meet his gaze.

Eyes going everywhere else but to their baby brother.

"Hey bros". All three jerked their heads up, their eyes finally meeting his. "I'm ok, I'm safe. It was just a dream".

"It felt so real". Leo whispered, eyes stinging with tears.

"But it wasn't". Mikey said retching out and grabbing Leos hand

"see? I'm right here. I'm alive, we're safe. It's OK". Mikey said, giving his brothers a small smile.

Within seconds Mikey had a swarm of older brothers, all 3 clutching onto him like a lifeline.

Their body's shaking from sobs.

Mikey was worried they might never let go. 

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