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TW: Fire, Blood

There had been an explosion.

That was the first thing that registered in Raph's mind when he woke up.

The next was "where the fuck are my brothers?"

Quickly Raph had found Donnie.

He was unconscious and had a ugly bleeding gash on his arm.

Raph himself felt fine but knew it was only a matter a time before his adrenalin wore off.

He quickly lifts up Donnie and slings him onto his back,

They needed to find Mikey.

Frantically, Raph surveyed the area looking for any sign of his orange brother.

"Mikey? Mikey, where the hell are you?!" Raph's voice echoed through the burning warehouse.

The building rumbled.

Time was ticking.

Then he hears it, a quiet rasp.

Raph whips his head around.

"Damn it, Mikey!" Raph shouts, running over to him.

Behind two collapsed pillars, Mikey was pinned under a pile of flaming rubble, his body barely moving.

Gently but quickly he sets Donnie down on the floor, being careful with his head.

Raph tried to push the debris off, but it was stuck embedded into the ground.

"Mikey, you've got to get out of there!"

"Raph...I'm...t...t...trapped...D...Donnie?" Mikey's voice was weak and his breathing was ragged as he struggled to wiggle out from under the ruble.

The heat was intense and it was becoming harder for him to think straight.


"Donnie! Wake up!" Raph shouted, his voice shaking with desperation as he tried to rouse his unconscious brother.

Raph glanced back at Mikey, his eyes filled with anguish.

"Mikey, I gotta go get Donnie out of here! I'll be right back, okay? Just hold on!" He doesn't wait for a reply, instead dashing back over to Donnie and scooping him up in his arms.

The ground shook as they ran.

"R...Raph..." Mikey coughed and wheezed, his lungs burning from the smoke.

Mikey tried to move again, but let out a yelp as pain ravaged his body.

The pile of rubble above him had begun to shift and creak ominously, threatening to come down at any moment.


But Raph was gone

Mikey layed there,

His lungs burn and his eyes water as the heat beats down on him.

The pain in his body is unbearable

Every muscle aches.

The pile of rubble above him continues to shift and creak.

He called out to Raph, his voice weak and strained.

"R...Raph...please...don't leave..."

The walls of the warehouse groan and creak as the fire eats its way through the wood and steel beams.

Raph, his shell charred and battered, carried Donnie out into the cool night air and laid him gently on the pavement.

He looked back into the burning building, his heart racing with fear.


He has to go back for Mikey!

Raph turns back and starts running towards the building calling out his baby brother's name.

Mikey can hear Raph calling his name from outside, but he can't respond.

The pain in his body is unbearable and he feels like he's going to pass out again.

"R...Raph..." he whispers, his voice barely audible over the roar of the flames. "I...I'm...t...t..."

Suddenly, with a deafening roar, the warehouse begins to collapse in on itself.

The floor gives way beneath Mikey, sending him plummeting deeper into the rubble.

The flames dance and twist around him, searing his flesh as they engulf him.

The air grows thick with smoke and dust.

Mikey lets out a scream as he feels a sharp pain in his side as a jagged piece of metal pierces hisplastron.

Panic surges through him as he realizes that he's going to die here.

His strength is fading fast.

He can feel his shell beginning to crack under the pressure of the heavy metal on top of him.

"Raph...Donnie..." he whispers, his voice barely audible. "I love you guys...I'm sorry..."

His vision begins to blur, and everything starts to go black.

"I'm...I'm sorry..."

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