The sun has set(2012)

64 3 0

TW: blood 

this was requested by @snow_berry_Bunny on ao3 who requested:

Loved this one!! Maybe if you can do one about the 2012 krang. Like experimentation and when Mikey's bros come to the rescue it's too late

Raph's heart was pounding in his chest as he ran through the halls of TCRI.

His feet pounding against the cold metal floor.

"Raph wait up!" Leo called trailing behind him.

Raph did not respond, his mind racing with worry and fear for his youngest brother.

He couldn't begin to imagine what horrors Mikey might be facing at the hands of the Krang.

All he knew was that they had to get to him as fast as possible.

This was all his fault.

If he had been paying more attention to Mikey he never would have gotten knocked out and captured.

"Raph!" Donnie's call snapped him out of his thoughts "Turn Left!'

Raph turned going down the left hall still sprinting.

"There!" Donnie said, pointing to one of the containment cells.

"He should be in there!"

Raph and Leo kept look out as Donnie crouched down and started working on the lock.

a click and the door to the cell opened with a hiss.

Donnie picked up his dow as Raph ran into the cell.

Raph's eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of Mikey.

And then he saw him.

Mikey was lying on the ground, his orange mask stained with blood that looked black under the purple lights.

Raph's heart dropped as he ran towards his brother.

"Mikey!" Raph cried out, dropping to his knees beside his brother.

"Took you guys long enough" Mikey rasped a small smile on his face.

He gently lifted Mikey's head onto his lap as Leo whispered words of comfort and Donnie saw the extent of his injuries.

Mikey's body was covered in bleeding cuts and bruises.

His Plastron was cracked.

His breathing was shallow.

And Mikey's blood was all over the floor.

Tears welled up in Raph's eyes as he looked towards Donnie.

Donnie was in full concentration trying to stop the bleeding from some of the big gashes.

How could such a small turtle have so much blood?

"Raph" Mikey whispered weakly, his eyes sliding shut. "Am I gonna die?"

"Of course, not ya knucklehead" Raph choked out as he attempted to keep his voice from shaking.

"Stop being so dramatic" Leo said his voice shaking ever so slightly "Donnie will fix you up in no time, then we can go home and get some pizza."

"Prom's?" Mikey wheezed.

"We promise Mikey."

Mikey gave a weak smile, his eyes drifting.

"Shit!" Donnie suddenly cried.

Mikey's winced in pain as his eyes slid shut.

"No!NO MIKEY OPEN YOUR EYES!!" Donnie yelled.

Raph desperately taped Mikey's check "Mikey you gotta wake up! Please Mikey we have come so far, don't give up now!!"

"I'm sr'y ra'f" Mikey rasped "I lo'v all of you, d'nt blam your se'f. Waz'int you'r fou't"

"No Mikey, please don't do this to us!" Raph cried.

"Mikey you can't leave us please! We already lost Master splinter! We can't lose you too!" Leo was shaking as he sobbed clutching Mikeys hand.

Mikey's body went limp.

Raph's heart shattered as he held his brother in his arms.

Tears streamed down his face.

the sound of sobbing echoed in the small room.

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