Ch. 3 Helio

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When I looked up from the book, night had fallen. The fire was dwindling and my stomach was growling. The sense I was being watched still draped over my shoulders. I stretched, and got up, tending to the fire. The fire revived itself and I took a candle and ventured out into the chilly foyer and crept into the kitchen. I lit the torches and stared. I recognized it and at the same time, it seemed strange. Standing there, my eyes flicked from one spot to the next, unsure what to do.

"I suppose water...comes first?"

I squinted, my glasses lost. I pinched the bridge of my nose, missing their comfortable weight. I peered out the dark window, trying to see if the rain had stopped. It was a light drizzle.

"Um, there should be a well...right? Every house has a well." I searched through the cabinets for a bucket. Didn't find one but I found a pot instead. "Okay. Vegetable stew. Easy enough. Aaaaaand now I'm talking to myself. Terrific." Grabbing the pot, I trudged outside and in the dimming light, and quickly plucked a few vegetables from the still thriving garden. I placed them gently in the pot and moved on to the potatoes.

The garden was a mess, due to the fact that no one had tended to it for quite some time now. Even still, plants were -not exactly thriving- but were at least growing in some fashion.

As the rain began falling down in sheets, I hurried inside. I lit the stove and set another pot outside. The rain rapidly filled it.

While I was waiting, I found a knife and began chopping up the vegetables. Once I finished, I moved the pot that was outside inside and set it on the stove. It began to stove rather quickly. I slid the vegetables in and set to work on the potatoes. When they were sliced to my satisfaction, I threw them in after the rest of the stew. The water changed colour and I tasted it. Not bad, not bad. I put the lid on top of the pot and set about searching for a bowl.

"Oh, little bowl, where are you?" I found it hidden deep within a cabinet, the rest shattered in the corner, blood splattered all over them. A sharp pain ran through my mind, but I ignored it. I scooped my stew into my bowl and sat at the lonely table, my only visible company two candles.

I pulled the book that had fallen, Macbeth, close and began to read once more. I was halfway finished when a knock came at the front door. It echoed throughout the empty hall, distorting the sound. Intruders.

My spoon fell out of my nerveless fingers, the book soon slipping from my grip soon after. The library. That's how they knew. I swallowed nervously and slid a knife into my pocket. Always have a weapon. The door was forced open, the hinges protesting. I slowly stood, quietly blowing out the candles, darkness falling upon me like a blanket. Instinct guiding to the pantry where a hidden stairwell lies. I practically sprinted up them, bursting into my room. I mean, I knew this place looked familiar, but... I shook the thought aside.

It was a gorgeous room, elegant and stylish. It seemed untouched, dust settling on every surface. There, on a desk with neatly stacked papers was a pair of glasses.

I darted forward and snatched them up, placing them on the bridge of my nose. The feeling from before...It was gone. I could see again. The bed was white, creamed by age. The satin curtains were tied to each of the posts, a closet in the corner. A closet. Clothes.

I almost ran to the closet and threw open the doors, frantically searching for something wearable. Nothing had been eaten by moths, a miracle to which I still praise the deities above. I found a clean white shirt and a pair of nice looking black pants.

I instantly changed into them, gazing at my image in a dusty mirror. I gasped as another bell seemed to ring. Another memory. Fog lifted and then settled. It was me, a younger me, standing in front of the very same mirror. It was then that I remembered who I was. My real name.

I am Helio Neptune. 

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