Ch. 16 Helio

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I set my spoon down, wiping the tears that were falling from my eyes. Reliving the past...I remembered everything so clearly. Everyone had been waiting for me and I never came home until it was too late. I stood slowly, going to the sink and washing the dirty dishes.

As I dried them, I glanced towards the doorway leading out to the stairwell. I breathed in and my chest tightened. It was a desperate struggle not to cough. I spent days in the library, trying to keep my demons at bay and figure out a way to make Athos a living, human person again.

I kept flipping through ancient books, reading and rereading over and over again. My eyes would flicker to the doorway, hoping he would come, but he never did. I had expected that, but it did not make it hurt any less. Fights with Athos could last days. Weeks even.

I tried not to think about how he would feel if he was able to live again only to lose me again. Sleep deprivation was tugging at the back of my eyelids and I nodded off for what seemed like the hundredth time. A little sleep wouldn't hurt.

No! I slapped my cheeks, the pain bringing back alertness. I needed to focus. A shudder ran through my body and I rubbed my arms. Suddenly, a fire came roaring to life in the fireplace. I abandoned my work and came closer to the fire, letting the warmth seep into my skin.

"Helio, my darling, I am sorry. I...did not understand what it would be like for you. I am so terribly sorry."

I looked up from where I was sitting and gave a warm smile.

"I am also sorry, my love. I overreacted."

Athos drifted closer to me and that's when he noticed. How pale I had gotten, the dark circles under my eyes.

"Your eyes! Have you been sleeping!?"

I sheepishly scratched my head and stood slowly.

"No. I have been too busy trying to find a way to bring you back to life. I think I have found a way, but I have to check it with... Did you know Dean is still alive?" Athos followed me as I trudged to my table and showed him the papers and books scattered across it. I rifled through papers until I pulled out one with drawings sketched.

"Here!" I pointed to the centre of the sketch. "This is where your body will be and..." I explained the entire process to him and he looked utterly awestruck. The room spun and a loud ringing sounded. I leaned on the table trying to hide it.

"My beloved, no words can explain how grateful, how happy I am to be able to live again...with you! To touch you, to feel your sunshine."

I forced a smile, feeling cold sweat sliding down my back. There wasn't much time left. A few weeks at best. I was glad the fading light hid my face, for my face was twitching with the effort it took to hold back the tears.

"I am happy for you." It came out as a croak, my throat tightening. A crash of thunder stopped whatever I was going to say next. Lightning flashed, just like it did on the day I arrived.

"Darling? You alright? You need sleep."

I cleared my throat, smiling.

"Just a cold, my love. Nothing too major." My smile became strained and my body stiffened with the effort to keep myself from bursting into a coughing fit. I did not look at Athos', for fear of what would be in his eyes. Suddenly I couldn't keep it in and I began coughing these horrible coughs, taking these gasping breaths in between.

I clutched my chest, the tightness increasing. I winced when I saw the crimson blotches scattering my handkerchief. When I could fully breathe again, I forced a smile. "Just a bad cold." Athos just looked at me, not saying anything. He led me closer to the fire, silent as a grave. Halfway across the room, I halted, seeming casually leaning against a bookshelf. In reality, I could move no more.

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