Ch. 5 Athos

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I gawked at Helio for as long as I could stand, then sat in the corner of the room, away from the light of fire. After some time, a crash could be heard, and Helio went to investigate. I didn't follow him. I couldn't. I couldn't stand to see him again, because I knew that he didn't know me, that I couldn't love him. But after a few minutes, I heard my name. Something that could ignore all terms of physics and sound.

I had to find out who was talking to me.

I searched all through dark halls and damp rooms, until I saw him. And three other men.

"Back away, ghost!" One of them shouted, but he said it directly to Helio.

"'The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief.'" I threaten. The attackers seemed to believe that Helio was the ghost in this situation.

Abruptly, one of the men jumped out at Helio. I grabbed his throat, though he probably thought it was Helio.

He tried to hurt Helio.

I tightened my grip, the man dropping his weapon, choking on air. I turned my head, coming almost face-to-face with Helio.

He was staring straight through me. If I could breathe, I would have stopped.

His eyes were so close...

His hair, his face, his glasses...

His lips.

While still holding the criminal, I reached out impulsively and brushed an invisible, apparitional hand over his shoulders.

Please, I just want him back...

I dropped the invader to the ground, not able to tear my gaze away from Helio.

The intruders dashed away, and Helio followed them. I had to chase them, too, not able to part myself from him.

We all ended up in my office, a burglar leaning up against my portrait.

"DON'T... touch that." Helio seemed unsure of himself. So unsure and so bitter.

"You'll make him mad!" An intruder shouted.

But the man next to my portrait appeared to be almost entertained. He threatened to cut it, and now I, too, felt enraged.

"I said...don't TOUCH THAT!" Helio screamed, rushing at the man, disarming him and shoving him against the wall.

"Don't mess with me." He muttered.

I was astonished. He was so... attractive.

The victim was obviously in terrible pain, eyes rolling and head bobbing. Helio even dared to cut his shoulder.

His stance swayed as soon as he saw the sight of blood.

The other invaders saw this as their chance to beat him and cut his arm, which caused him to rage in a fit of passion. Helio cried out when his arm was slashed

"He's not a ghost!" One of the criminals exclaimed.

I knew that I needed to intervene.

I simply just stood near the attackers, knowing that my aura could scare them away. Once the attackers fled, Helio sank to the floor, obviously exhausted. There was pain in his eyes. My heart quaked. Helio tried to lift his injured arm but couldn't. I knelt down and healed it to the best of my ability, which took some of my energy away from me. He raised and squeezed his hand into a fist. Then he rose to his feet, eyes drawn to the desk. He looked and read who knows what, but his eyes widened. He went back to the library and returned to the book.

He fell down on the couch, everything falling perfectly.

My breath stuttered. I want him. I want him. HIM. in all of his glories and flaws. With all of the pain and bigotry. All of the inequity and injustice. It would all be worth it, just so I could be with him.

I touched him, brushing my hands over his chest, over his torso. He shifted, but I didn't stop. I want him. I need him.

My fingers did not stop moving, my hands skimming across his skin.

His face became flushed and he adjusted his legs.

Please, don't leave me. Please don't go away. I need you...

He threw the book aside, his face red, and limped out of the room.

I have to let him see me.

I have to show him myself. 

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