Ch. 24 Athos

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The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the cool, mid-day air was a square of fabric, caught on a tree, dancing in the wind. I ripped it away, throwing it on the ground. They were here. They went this way. I followed the next splotch of blood, the next footstep, the next leftover supply. They had left such an easy trail. Almost too easy.

Soon, it stopped in a clearing.

I was so tired. I had travelled through most of the night. So I lay on the fresh moss, leaning against a tree. The world was so peaceful. How could evil come into such a world?

But I had to keep going. The rage that fueled me was too great.

Today was the day that would see the downfall of Anthony Neptune.

I slung my pack onto my back and scanned the area. The criminals must have been somewhere around here. My eyes grazed over the thin trees, river, and small waterfall, behind which was a large gathering of boulders. A speck of something caught my attention, and I scrambled over to the pile of rock.

Blood. They must be here. I circled the waterfall several times, then ducked under it. Like many waterfalls, there was a cave behind it, but I could see an opening in the dirt and stone. Crawling through it, I came to the other side of the river, where I saw two makeshift shelters, four men, and one dead fire.

Was I strong enough to fight them, four on one? I did have the advantage of an ambush on my side.

How would I do it? I couldn't kill them, could I?

No, Neptune deserved death. Maybe not the others, but he deserved a punishment far greater than any human could issue.

I inhaled, preparing myself.

"'Arise, black vengeance, from the hollow hell! Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne to tyrannous hate!'" Then I brought my blade in front of me.

"FOR HELIO, YOU BLOODY GODDAMN BITCH!" I screamed, and rushed at the camp.

Three men fumbled around in their messy clothes, looking for weapons. One man, who I assumed stayed up as watch, leapt up quickly, knife in hand, eyes glinting with preparedness. Surprised, I swerved, slipping, hitting the ground with my shoulder. He charged at me, and I stumbled to my feet, bolting at Anthony. I reached out my blade hand toward him, but he kicked me. I fell, the wind gone from my chest.

"Heh. Hehe. Look what showed up, boys. The little slut's playtoy." Anthony stepped on my cheek, while another one of the men tied my hands together.

"Turned up to avenge him, huh? And I was thinking that he couldn't go a moment without you to pleasure him and his ungrateful dick."

I growled, not being able to form my mouth to make words. Anthony took his foot off of my face and kicked me. I groaned, but took this as an opportunity to stand and throw my body at him, seeing as my hands weren't capable of much.

Neptune slammed me down and spat in my face. "Disgusting. Almost as disgusting and disgraceful as my man-whore of a son." He treated me like I was some sort of animal. Grinding my face into the ground. Spitting on me. Kicking me all over, especially my groyne.

"Tie the mutt up." Anthony ordered. "Put a brick on 'im. Drown the bastard." Six hands grabbed at me, holding me down. My feet were bound, my arms were clinched to my chest. A rock was knotted to me.

This is it. The end. Right?

My body was rolled over to the side of the bank of the river.

"Can't move now, eh? Any last words before we throw you in?" He tilted his head in entertained expectation.

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