Ch. 14 Helio

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The morning after we kissed, that wonderful night, I woke up terrified. I had to go home. I pleaded and begged to stay, but the Headmaster refused. I had to go home. Everyone but me was happy to go home. Athos slipped an arm around my neck and Ricky ruffled my hair.

"Don't look so down, Helio. We'll be together again in no time!"

That wasn't why I didn't want to go home, but I didn't correct him. No one knew what my home life was like. I let them assume what they wanted. Athos sneaked one last kiss and then was gone, his carriage rolling away. Then mine came and I got in, my hands shaking. The shaking got worse as my home came into sight. The carriage rolled to a stop and I got out, looking up at the place I feared. Mama wasn't waiting for me and my heart began thumping. I nodded to the butler who opened the door for me and I stepped inside. I went straight to my room and locked the door. I set my suitcase down on my bed and sat at my desk. Pulling out a piece of paper, ready to start writing a letter when someone knocked at my door.

"Young Master? Dinner is ready."

I scooched the chair back and unlocked the door, opening it and smiling at the maid, Marianne, who was holding a tray of food.

"Thank you, Marianne. Do you know where my Mama is?"

Marianne smiled and walked in, placing the tray on my desk.

"Lady Neptune is visiting Lord and Lady Viennaz."

I blinked, disappointed my Mama wasn't here to welcome me home. It wasn't home unless she was here.

"She did want me to give you this." Marianne handed an envelope to me and left, closing the door behind her. I quickly opened the envelope and opened the letter.

My dearest Helio,

I'm terribly sorry I couldn't be there to welcome you home for your first vacation. Your grandmother isn't feeling well and I wanted to go and take care of her. I'll be home before you leave so don't you worry. Lot's of love,


I smiled and kissed the letter, treasuring it. I had the best Mama in the world. I ate my dinner in a good mood and got ready for bed. Then, father summoned me. So I went to his study, dressed in a loose shirt, anxious and afraid. He stood in front of the fireplace, looking into the blazing fire. He didn't move when I was shown in.

"They say you are exceptionally good."

"Yes, sir." I had learned early that I should never say more than I had to. Father grunted and motioned for me to leave. And I did. I went straight to bed and slept until the bell rang for Breakfast. I got dressed and went down to the library while my father ate his breakfast. I read until I heard my father's footsteps walk in the library. I snuck around the bookcases and exited silently, heading to the kitchen where the cook would have extras set aside for me.

Every day for two weeks it was the same. I would wake up, avoid my father and head straight to the kitchen. Then I would go to the stables and ride my horse, Fabian, until lunch. Then I would come in for leftovers. Gideon, the swords master, would fence with me until mid afternoon. Once we finished, Fabian and I would ride around the pastures.

One day, the day before I left, I took it too far. I bumped into a vase as I was reading Mama's letter. The vase fell and shattered. I stood there in utter shock, staring at the sharp pieces as my father came out of his study. He saw me and then the vase. He stormed over, grabbed my ear, and dragged me into his office. I protested and apologised the entire way, but he ignored me. He threw me to the ground and ordered me to get up. I struggled to my feet and he hit me with the back of his hand. I stumbled back, holding my cheek.

"Father, I-"

"I don't want to hear it. You're such a waste! How dare you break such an expensive vase!" He slapped me again with such force I fell, hitting my face against a chair. "Get out of my sight, you stupid mutt!" I nodded and scrambled out of his study, holding my cheek. Tears slid down my face and I locked myself in my room, crying in a small corner. There was a gentle knock and my Mama's voice came through

"Helio? My sun?"

I rushed to the door and unlocked it, throwing it open. There stood my Mama, in all her glorious beauty. Her golden eyes widened as she took in my bruised and bloody cheek and pulled me into her safe arms. She pressed kisses to my forehead and my injured cheek, murmuring soft comforting words. We spent the rest of the day together, enjoying each other's company. We went up to the attic and spent the night there, watching the stars through the skylight. It was with sadness that I departed, hating to be separated from my precious Mama. The carriage ride was long, but I barely felt it, lost inside my head. It was when the carriage rolled to a sharp stop, that I came back to myself. I got out, thanking the driver, and went straight to the Headmaster's office to give him my Mama's letter. He read it briskly and read again. When he looked up, there was the look I hated. A look of pity. I don't know what my Mama wrote, but I was excused from classes the first day back. I stayed in my room, the door locked. I laid in bed, staring at the blank wall. A knock came at the door.

"Helio, you in there?" It was Ricky. "There's someone here to see you."

"Helio, my love?"

Athos. Oh, my sweet, darling Athos. I got up, tripping. There were exclamations and the door handle was tried violently.

"I'm fine! Just tripped!" I called out. I stood and unlocked the door, of which was thrown open. Athos buried me in a hug which I returned. I snuggled my face into his shoulder, relishing his embrace. I had missed so much. I looked up at Ricky who winced when he saw my face.

"What happened to your face!?"

"I...I fell." Ricky scoffed and I knew Athos didn't buy my excuse, but he wasn't going to press for more with Ricky in the doorframe. He squeezed my arms and gently stepped back. We chatted for a few minutes before Ricky left to bother Emrys. Athos and I both figeted before bursting into peals of laughter. Then Athos turned serious as his eyes searched my face.

"Tell me the truth. What happened? Those marks don't come from falling."

I sighed and looked at the door, not wanting to make eye contact.

"I did fall, but it was because my father...hit me."

Athos was quiet.

"That's why you didn't want to go home. Your father hurts you."

I nodded, looking down at my hands.

"My Mama is able to keep him away, but she wasn't there. I broke a vase and he exploded. He hit me a few times but I got let off easy this time. Usually it's worse." I risked a glance at Athos', dreading to see the look of pity. There was no pity. Only anger. Athos reached up and gently cupped my cheek. I leaned into his hand, relaxing into his warmth.

"I can't believe he does that to you."

I closed my eyes and made a quiet noise. He leaned in and pressed his soft lips gently to mine. He backed away and smoothed my hair, smiling. The next morning was full of classes. I could bury myself in my classes. 

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