Ch.13 Athos

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I was nervous about going to a new school. I tended to be awkward and that made me feel embarrassed. So, when I was brought to the Headmaster, I was shaking in my boots. I did not know what to say. Thankfully, the Headmaster gave me a piece of paper and called in some guy named Emrys. A tall guy wearing glasses came in, his uniform spotless.

"This is Emrys Walker. He will show you to your first class, Mathematics. You may go."

And so I went, following Emrys down a dimly lit corridor and to a wooden door. Emrys opened it and suddenly all eyes were on me. The classroom got quiet. Only, a kid with crazy light brown hair stood up and threw chalk at the teacher. The teacher sighed and stepped out of the way.

"Lord Walker, can you please take Lord Robinson to the Disciplinary Office?"

"Yes, sir."

The troublemaker turned and grinned at someone and then slid over his desk, towards Emrys. He winked at me and they exited. I swallowed nervously. The teacher introduced himself as Instructor Smythe and gave me an encouraging smile.

"Boys, this is Lord Athos Grey. He'll be joining us from now on. Lord Grey, you can sit next to... Lord Neptune."

Looking up, I met the golden gaze of who had to be Lord Neptune. He watched me objectively, almost curious. I lugged my bag up the steps and sat next to the boy, who scooched over to make room. He shoved papers underneath his book, but not before I glimpsed an intricate sketch of the school. It was incredibly done. Instructor Smythe continued his lecture on the passions in literature while we took notes. I glanced over occasionally to see him drawing on his notes. Soon worksheets were handed out and we worked in silence. It was broken only twenty minutes in by Lord Robinson slamming the door open, just as the bell rang. Lord Walker walked in right behind him, an amused look on his face.

"Helio, let's go!"

Lord Neptune let out a soft chuckle and stood, shoving his books into his bag and trudged towards them. He paused halfway down the steps, and then he tossed me a glance back, his eyes twinkling with laughter.

He hurried down the rest of the steps after an impatient cry from Robinson and joined the rowdy boy. The three of them jostled each other out the door and silence reigned once more. A hand landed on my shoulder. I turned to see two well dressed boys, their hair gelled back.

"How do you do, Lord Grey? I am Lord Burne, and this is my friend Lord Reily."

I bowed my head and we began talking. They were my first friends in this miserable place. As the weeks passed on, I would often see Lord Neptune, or Helio, as he was called, pass by with his friends. He seemed to be friends with everyone. Even if he was alone, he would greet anyone with a friendly smile and a nod. And yet I still didn't talk to him.

But one night would change everything.

I was asleep in the dorms when a sudden crash of thunder awoke me. Sitting up, I breathed in deeply, relishing in the scent of rain. My eyes wandered over to where Helio would be sleeping, only to find that he wasn't there. I sat there for a few seconds, thinking he had gone to use the out house.

When fifteen minutes had gone by and he still hadn't returned, I slipped out of bed to find him. Wrapping a robe around myself, I stepped into the hall. I passed a window, only to whip around and stare out through the rain. There, standing in the middle of the lawn, was Helio. Rushing down the steps, I tried to imagine what caused him to be in the rain at such a late hour. And if he were caught... I pushed open the front doors and hurried down the steps. Helio had his face tilted up towards the sky, his eyes closed.


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