Ch. 23 Helio

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Everything hurt. Everything burned. Then I was blissfully numb. It was like I was floating on a bed of darkness, like I was the ship. I was faintly aware that my Father and his minions had hurt me. My leg was screaming and I wanted to join it. My stomach burned and it felt like I was on fire. I wanted to move, I wanted to be comfortable, but I couldn't move an inch. The numbness that overcame me was welcomed joyfully. In the back of my mind, I wondered if Athos or Dean had seen my message. Fire came back, worse than before, and I groaned, twisting. Something tried to keep me in place. I flailed in place. It was so hot. A cold cloth was placed on my forehead and I calmed down. No thought was coherent. I kept repeating one word.

"Trap! It's a trap!"

Tears slipped from my clenched eyes and a cool hand stroked my cheek. Suddenly the fire in my stomach eased, and ebbed away. The pusing pain in my leg sparked and increased. I writhed and writhed, not knowing what I was doing. Then the pain was gone. I felt exhausted and the pounding in my head made me want to fall asleep. I tossed and turned, still burning hot. Bits and pieces of the real world somehow sunk in my fevered, concussed brain.

"Why does he still have a fever!?"

"His concussion! He needs new a cloth!"

Another cold cloth was applied to his forehead, dabbing occasionally at his neck and wrists. I felt strong enough to open my eyes. I gazed around blearily.

"M- Mama?"

She was immediately stroking my curls and holding my outstretched hand. "Hi baby. How are you feeling?"

"Like I was run over by a train. Where's Athos?" A sudden flare of pain in my head made me wince and narrow my eyes. Mama exchanged a glance with Dean.

"He's gone to deal with Anthony."

I struggled to sit up. Both Mama and Dean held me down. "I have to- I have to go and help him! It's a trap! It's..." I quieted down as the pain increased. I clutched my head. Something cool was pressed to my lips and I drank greedily. My eyes closed, opened, then closed again as I fell into a deep sleep. I didn't dream, no nightmares, no dreams. 

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