Ch. 9 Athos

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"Just please don't get on that train again..." I say, knowing he has no idea what I'm talking about. I say it knowing that I can't lose him again.

He stands silently, pondering, his lower lip disappearing like it always does when he is in deep thought.

Oh, please, dear God, he can't leave now.

He turns, his eyes drag his sight over my figure.

"A-Athos?" he whispers.

He remembers, he remembers.

Thank all that is good and holy, he remembers!

My legs shiver, unable to stand, and I sink to the floor. I don't break eye contact.

"Oh, my Helio." As I stare, I notice his dark eyes are filled with not longing, not love, but sympathy.

"You know... about my dream?"

His... dream? Is that how he knows? Because he had a dream about it?

"I-I... you were talking about your sleep... and... NO, Helio! I was there! You were there!" I broke. "You-you lost your memory, but I am here! I am Athos! I am your lover! Do you not remember me? You left to serve in the military! In the war! Remember? The night before you left? The night?" I was left with no words, my hands spread in a welcoming stance. "Helio? Do you love me?"

"I-I don't remember."

I sighed, bracing myself, then I stepped forward, embracing Helio.

Then I kissed him. 

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