Ch.18 Helios

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I jerked awake, the sudden thunder startling me. I rubbed my eyes and pulled the covers closer to me and Athos, who was still sound asleep. I watched him nestle closer, his nose twitching. Leaning on my arm, I moved a small piece of hair from his cheek.

"I love you, my beloved Athos." I murmured, almost too quietly to hear. My body felt sore, but in a good way. I would not be able to get up in the morning, but with Athos, that was normal. My body finally relaxed, all our problems were solved. There was nothing to worry about. I was about to snuggle against Athos when a small noise drew my attention. I slipped out of bed and pulled on a robe. I quietly exited the room, careful not to wake my exhausted love. Outside my door was Dean with a candle.

"Dean, what the bloody hell! What are you doing here at midnight!?" I hissed. He grinned and grabbed my arm, dragging me down the stairwell and out into the pouring rain. There, standing in the pathway, stood my Mama. My mouth opened but no noise came out. My eyes filled with tears.

"My baby, you've grown so big."

My mouth quivered and I tried hard to keep the tears from falling.

"Mama." Was all I was able to croak out before I threw myself into her open arms, tears streaming down my face in an unstoppable flow. We slumped to the ground, holding each other tightly. She stroked my soaking wet hair with a big quivering smile.

"So beautiful."

I gave her an answering grin.

"You haven't changed, Mama. Not a single bit."

Mama's head tilted, her black locks shifting to the other shoulder. She cupped my cheek.

"I am so sorry. For everything. I should have done something– Anything! It's all my-"

"Mama. It wasn't your fault what happened. It was all his doing. He's the one at fault."

Mama gave me her sweet smile and at Dean's encouragement, went inside. We were all soaking wet and I started a fire. Excusing myself, I hurried off to wake Athos and change into dry clothes. Athos was still in bed and I chuckled, shaking him gently. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at me for a full second before snapping awake.

"You're soaked!"

I laughed, slipping into some dry clothes, ignoring the discomfort in my backside.

"You'll never guess who's downstairs. Hurry!"

Athos groaned and rubbed his face.

"Bloody... Darling, it's in the middle of the night!" I tugged at his wrist, eyes pleading. He rolled his eyes and sighed, before sitting up and slipping on his own clothes. I led him downstairs, holding his wrist. When he saw Mama, he took a step back.


She smiled, letting him bask in her angelic light.

"It is good to see you again, Athos. How have you been?"

"Dead. But- I- It- I am good."

Mama's smile peeked out and Athos wrapped an arm around my waist, a happy smile on his face. Then Neptune came in, clutching his cheek.

"You damn clodhopper! How dare you-" He stopped, his voice choking off as he beheld his wife staring at him and Athos with his arm around Helio's waist. His face reddened. "You!" His voice boomed throughout the entire room. Athos' arm tightened, but I could tell he was tempted to spring away. "I thought I told you to keep your blamed hands off that mutt!"

Mama tossed her head.

"Anthony, watch your mouth!"

Neptune ignored her.

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