Ch.11 Helio

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I coughed and clutched the table, my eyesight swimming. There was not much here, but I had most of what I needed. I would have to go out and see if Dean Mickail still lived around here. He used to be a witch that everyone feared, but I hung out with him for years. He treated me like I was his son and he loved Mama. She never knew, of course. But perhaps...if he was still here he could help. I stood and limped to the foyer.

"Athos, I'm heading out! I need to buy a few things!" When there was no response, I sighed and shook my head. "Such a pouty face." I opened the front door and set out to the small village. The cap I placed on my head made me look like a little boy, and I grinned. The town was bustling and busy, and I made my way to Dean's place. It had turned into a Herb store, which was helpful to me. I walked in and a strong scent of a sickly sweetness hit my nose. With difficulty, I suppressed a coughing fit. I browsed the book selections and couldn't find anything I needed.

"Find anything you need?"

I smiled when I heard Dean's familiar voice. I turned and the smile grew wider. He looked the exact same, crazy dark hair and wild blue eyes. His clothes looked better, all shades of purple and wrapped around him like a toga. Charms hung from his neck, assorted from crystals to shapes of beetles and horns of some creature.

"Actually, no. Do you have anything on bringing ghosts back to life?"

Dean's eyes got even more wild.

"You've come to the right place, sir! Follow me!" Dean reached behind him and pulled a book, making the entire bookcase turn inwards. He motioned for me to follow him and I did, right into the dark depths of whatever passageway was behind the bookcase. I would do whatever it took to bring Athos to life again, even if it meant giving up mine in the process. Dean took me down a stone stairwell, the only sound the scuffing of our footsteps. It was chilly, and slightly damp. Horrible for my lungs and it was everything I could do to hold back the coughs. At last, the stairwell ended. We were in a brightly lit cavern, filled with books and herbs. My mouth gaped and I gazed around in wonder. Incredible. This collection was incredible! Dean rummaged through a pile of books and pulled out two. He handed them over to me and blew off the dust. I couldn't hold back my coughs and I doubled over, feeling weak. Dean's arm kept me from collapsing and once I could breathe again, I straightened. Dean was looking at me with concern.

"You sure you want to be bringing someone back in that condition?" He sighed and shrugged. "I'd better help you then. Let me grab the herbs."

"Wait! At- He won't take strangers well! I don't want him to know what I'm doing, so we need to take it slow." Dean stared at me, his face unreadable.

"Do you even have that time? There's still no cure for what you have..."

"It's fine. He doesn't know."

Dean cursed.

"I know it's not my place to say this, but you should tell him. He should know."

I shook my head slowly, shifting the books in my hands.

"I appreciate the concern, Dean, but no, not yet. I can't break the news when I've only just returned."

Dean dropped the jar he was holding.


I winced at the volume but smiled.

"'Ello, Dean. It's been a while."

Dean crushed me in a hug. He stepped back and examined me head to toe.

"You look horrible. What have they been feeding you?"

I laughed.

"It's a long story, but I'm getting good meals now."

Dean grabbed a bundle of things and we headed back upstairs, chatting all the way.

"So you lost your memory from being ill? Gods, boy, you've been through hell."

I scoffed.

"Tell me about it. I come back, memory gone and Athos dead. I only got it back yesterday and now Athos isn't talking to me. I guess being a ghost is hard."

"Being you is harder, I think. You're the one dying. He's already gone."

We stepped out of the passageway back into the shop and I set down the books, smiling a sad little smile.

"Also straight to the point with you. How was my Mama?"

"Beautiful and graceful to the end. Though, it wasn't natural. I say your father had a hand in her death. He left and never came back once she was buried."

My eyes watered and I blinked the tears away.

"Of course he did. That bastard loved to ruin my life."

"You should get back to his place. It looks like you're ready to collapse at any second."

"Yeah. I feel like it too. I'll see you around, Dean. Come visit."

Dean smiled.

"I will. Get going now."

I grabbed the books and waved, heading out, back to Athos. The sun was setting and I suddenly realised I had been gone for a few hours more than expected. I hurried home as fast as my body's limits would allow and I slowed down as I strolled along the stone pathway leading to the front door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, throwing my cap aside. I strode into the library and set my books down on my table. I covered them with my papers and walked to the kitchen, making as much noise as I could. Hopefully that alerted Athos that I was home. I made myself supper and ate it slowly, remembering the past.

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