Ch. 12 Helio

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Being at school was a refuge for me. My father was cruel and, at times, abusive. My Mama tried her best, but she couldn't be everywhere at once. When I was sent away to a boarding school called the Academy, I was the happiest I had ever been. Finally, a chance to be free, a chance to be truly happy. My departure from home was one free of tears. My Mama was crying, but she's my Mama. I waved goodbye from the carriage as we rolled away and once we were out of eyeshot, I sat in my seat, smiling. My companion, an Instructor from the Academy, stared at me. I was hard to read. A boy who was smiling when he was being sent off to a school far from home. As I watched out the window, the sky turned from a beautiful to a cloudy dark grey. Grey was my favourite colour, like the colour of my father's eyes.

"You'll be going straight to your room to get prepared for supper. The uniform will be waiting for you," The headmaster drones.

We arrived and I was led to my room, where I put on my uniform and became a star student. I didn't want to get sent home. The first month there was heavenly. The other boys hated it there, but they had loving homes. I had a broken one. I made friends with Ricky, a loud troublemaker, and Emrys, a studious and smart upperclassman. We hit it off, seeing as I was fluid with friends. I kept my vulnerability hidden and tried to be extroverted. I was a mess. Then he came and everything changed. It was in the middle of Mathematics when Emrys brought him in. Ricky took advantage of the interruption and, of course, made trouble. Emrys took him away and the Instructor introduced the new boy.

"Everyone, this is Athos Grey. He'll be joining us from now on."

My eyes were drawn to him. He radiated darkness and a sense of peace. His eyes were the colour of milk chocolate and his long hair the colour of cocoa.

He held himself with confidence but also with a sense of awkwardness. Our eyes met and I averted my gaze. I was drawn to him, but I was torn. He made me feel something new, and I didn't like new things. Once class ended, I hurried out and found Ricky in a heated discussion with another kid.

"Ricky, let's go!"

Ricky turned, his green eyes calming.


He dropped his conversation like a sack of bricks and hurried over to me. His caramel coloured hair was a mess and he sparkled like a shiny gem.

"How'd it go?"

Ricky grinned.

"Perfectly. What's the plan for tonight?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"When have I ever had a plan?"

Ricky burst out laughing and we strolled through the garden where Ricky's class was. Theatre and the Dramatics. My next class was right next to his. Art and Beauty. I got to paint scenes and anything I wanted. It helped that was where my talents lay. I pulled out a paint brush and began painting the delicate designs on the board. Ricky stood next to me, chattering away.

"...and I pushed him against the wall and told him, 'You don't know how I feel! Stop using your brain and use your heart!' I stormed away and he caught up with me and pulled my arm..."

I slowly painted a flower, a delicate, gentle flower. It took all my concentration and I tuned Ricky out.

"...He pushed me to the wall and kissed me. For a guy who's up over his nose in books, he's a good kisser. Don't you think so?"

I grunted in reply. This required all my concentration. Honestly, who did Instructor Phyth think he was? Asking me to do all this complicated stuff? I sighed and gently flicked my wrist, creating the perfect picture. I stepped back, rubbing the sweat off my upper lip and smearing paint on my nose.

"What do you think?"

Ricky took a step back and looked with a critical eye.

"Pretty good. A little light, but you're adding shadow later so it should be good."

"'Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.'"

We both turned and looked at the Theatre class. Athos was playing Romeo, from Romeo and Juliet, and he had just performed the line perfectly.

"'You kiss by the book.'" I murmured.

We turned back to my work and Ricky helped me mix paint.

"'O, I am Fortune's fool!'"

"'Why dost thou stay?'"

Ricky elbowed my arm.

"You should join the play."

I shook my head quickly.

"No. I'm more comfortable here. Go, I know you're missing out."

Ricky sighed and hurried away. A few weeks passed, all the same. Athos and I didn't truly meet, but our eyes met often enough. His fingers were long and delicate, perfect for playing the violin. It was good, too. I would quietly play simple songs while in class, not wanting to seem good. Then the Instructor berated me for wasting my talent. I hunched my shoulders and ducked my head, hiding my face. I was forced to play with everyone watching. I'm sure the Instructor thought that was a punishment, but I didn't mind. My fingers danced across the keys in a complicated Mozart piece. When I finished, I reluctantly slid my fingers off the keys and looked up. Everyone was staring at me like I had grown another head. Even the Instructor had his mouth open. I grimaced and stood up, muttering an excuse about needing to see the nurse. I hurried out of the room and sprinted outside. It was raining, but that was fine. I looked up, eyes closed, letting the rain shower down onto my face, soaking my clothes and hair. My glasses would be covered in water, but that was also fine. I needed space to breathe.

"You okay?"

I flinched and turned to look at Athos, who had followed me.

"Yeah. I just needed some air."

And things only progressed from there. We occasionally talked, or said hello when we passed each other in the halls. My opinion didn't really change. Not until one night. 

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