《Chapter 27》

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Sumire POV:

The message from Ichinose piqued my interest, as our communication had been sparse since we exchanged numbers at the hospital. He had only been there for a routine check-up, whereas I still had extensive rehabilitation ahead of me.

Despite this, we maintained contact to provide me with some companionship during that period.

I pondered over the reasons behind his message, speculating that it might be due to my upcoming birthday in just 2 days or so, the one keeping track of that is either Dad or Shuuya, anticipating a thoughtful gesture, or perhaps he is contemplating an impulsive and nonsensical action.

The keyword "might" is crucial as I cannot remember ever sharing my birthday date with him, yet the accuracy of the time is highly suspicious.

Looking back at Ichinose's character, the second one seems like a more probable option.

Before sending a brief message to Ichinose, I took some time to consider my words carefully.

Sumire ♡
"Feel free to catch me off guard,"


Upon being escorted home by Shuuya and Kidou, leaving Endou to diligently continue his training, I was suddenly met with the intense gaze of my father, who seemed to have caught wind of my recent escapade.

I'm fucked, to be precisely correct.
I thought, at least.

But still my father's familiarity with my antics spared me from a harsh reprimand, allowing me to escape with only a gentle scolding.

Once the next morning arrived.

After donning my uniform, I carefully lowered myself onto the small chair next to the vanity kit, using my cane for support. I picked up the brush and began smoothing out the tangles in my unruly hair, which had grown considerably over the course of the year.

With a light touch, I delicately gather a few strands of my luscious brown hair, elegantly intertwining them into a sophisticated pin adorned with a flowing ribbon of vibrant green.

I chose to forget about breakfast, as I knew no one would take notice; my parents both depart for work early, so I might as well allow that precious family time to fade into oblivion.

When asked to characterize my bond with my mother, I would simply say - distant.

Surprisingly, even my connection with Hibiki-san surpasses that.

With my father, however, it's a different story altogether. He is someone who is dearly close to me, a presence I appreciate, yet I have grown accustomed to solitude.

I had a few errands to attend to in the bustling Inazuma City, bidding farewell to Fujimura-san as he meticulously dusted the elegant dining table upon my departure.

The gentleman with striking blue hair graciously flashed me a warm smile before resuming his diligent work, embodying a sense of refined sophistication in his demeanour.

In leisurely fashion, I strolled around, allowing my thoughts to wander freely as I made my way towards the prestigious school.


The captivating scene that unfolded before my eyes compelled me to abruptly halt my stride. Standing poised in front of the Raimon's grounds were two girls adorned in the unmistakable uniforms of Kidokawa Seishuu.

My fingers tightened around the top of cane, a symbol of my accident and inability to move freely, I observed the distinctive features of the two young ladies before me.

《My way of doing things 》OC x Inazuma elevenWhere stories live. Discover now