Angel Hybrid (Name)?

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[Hello My Sexy Muffins! A Crazy Idea I have that changes everything]

So this is clearly messing with the time line, but it takes place before the pilot in a few chapters (Name) saves a imp child from a exsorists 

She ends up getting killed by the exorsict but instead of dying she wakes up in heave? WITH GOD. God is an ALL SEEING Entity. So he knew about (Name) since before she was a twinkle in her dad eyes. He has been invested in the Imp that steals the hearts of demons and Angels alike (Now he was not romantically interetested into her until meeting her.) So he makes her a hybrid of sorts. Where she is the opposite of a fallen angel but a ancession Demon. where she now can switch into an angelic form with light blue skin, golden markings and white and hold horns with a golden halo.

here we change the plot a bit where she is to help Charlie prove sinners can be redeemed and also be the middle woman between heaven and hell. But she has to spend a certain time in heaven each month. This is how life plans out for her. Keeping her angelic secret, but also keeping her baby safe (Yes the baby lives) and keeping her buisness open not to mention dealing with angelic, royals, and demon yanderes all at once 

This is my idea of how we can have adam and lut and sera yandere! 

Comment below and stay sexy!]

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