(Votes In) Reactions

935 28 4

6 for alastor

5 for Valentino and Vox

1 for angel dust

1 for husk

2 for Overlord Party and Invited By Alastor

3 for Paimon

3 for Stella

4 for Ozzie and Fizz

2 for protective Loona

2 for the Goetia party to introduce Blitzo

(So first up is Ozzie and Fizz's reaction as robo fizz reported so that is what this chapter is about) 

AND The majority of you said YES to Hybrid Angel (Name) so that will do the line sometimes! 

[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter and here are the results of both votes, Now in this chapter, it is Fizz and Ozzie's reaction, and maybe some other stuff so please do enjoy this chapter here my muffins!] 

(No One's POV) 

Fizz let out a growl and threw his book at the TV. His former mate was one of the two loves of his life. Is pregnant, and not with him or Ozzie. Hot bitter tears run down his face ruining his makeup. Ozzie pulls him into his chest. 

"Froggy it is okay, shhhhhh it is okay," Ozzie tries to comfort him. 

"No, it is not!" Fizz cries. "This is not her first pregnancy, she had been pregnant with me! And she lost the baby. Fuck! Now this Stolas gets to have that with her!" 

Ozzie goes quiet and pulls Fizzy closer. He was pissed that Stolas got their little Imp pregnant, but more so he is angry with how much it is hurting His Fizz. To Fizz so torn up about it. It makes him want to go back to his darker days, like when he was in hell for the first time. 

"Look at me, Fizz," Ozzie says wiping Fizzarolli's tears away. "She may be pregnant with Stolas now, but this is not the end for us, remember Stolas has to tell Paimon, and I can get involved as I am a prince of the ars goetia. 

"Yeah... That is true." Fizz agrees. "We are not going to lose her ...right Oz." 

"No, I will move heaven and hell before we lose our darling (Name)." He says and nuzzles Fizz's face. "I promise you, Froggy." 

"Thanks, Ozzie." He says and kisses Ozzie. "I love you." 

"I love you too, Fizzy~," I say with a smile. 

(This was shorter than I planned on so I am adding a bit of Paimon info so yeah good luck!) 

(Stolas's POV) 

I sighed as I walked up to my father's home. I never have been here and getting a meeting was not easy. I swallow hard and walk in being brought to my father's throne room. 

"Introducing Prince Stolas." 

My father lets his body change a bit and he squints at me. "And who is Prince Stolas?" He asks and I keep a straight face. 

"He is one of your sons, the one who is divorcing Stella..." The Imp says. 

"Ah, yes, the owl boy." He states. "Stolas." He says my name like he is not used to saying it. "Have you seen the era of your ways and decided to let Stella back home." 

I swallow hard, I have to do this, I have to do it for (Name). "No Father, I will be proceeding with the divorce as fast as possible," I inform him. "The matter I am here today is that ..." I take a deep breath. "I have gotten an Imp Pregnant, and yes the tests prove it is mine and she is keeping it. I have put her under my protection and have her under the status of a conquest." 

My father's eye starts to twitch. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!?" He demands. "NO SON OF MINE WILL HAVE BASTARD SPAWN WITH AN IMP." 

My eyes narrow on him. "Then I am no longer your son. You were hardly a father to me in the first place. I can stand my own now and you cannot simply get rid of me. By our laws, you cannot touch my unborn child either. If you wish to be involved in my or my children's life you can schedule a visit. Until then I will have as little contact with you as possible." 

I then opened a portal and left. Once the portal closes I fall to my knees shaking. I just did that to my father... I know I had to do it, but standing up to him like that... It took a lot out of me. I need a drink. I also got to call (Name) to make sure she was doing all right. 

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, if I am correct the next chapter will be Alastor! I hope that you all enjoyed this and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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