Chapter 002 (5)

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"Gonggong (Eunuch) Yan taught me a lesson." Mei Lin was not angry at all, stopped what she was doing, and responded with a low eyebrow. Her temper had been smoothed out long ago in the secret factory, and Qing Yan's attitude could not stir up any emotion in her heart.

Seeing her like this, Qing Yan muttered a few more words, but felt bored and stopped automatically.

Mei Lin moved her hands lightly and tried not to make any noise when chewing, but the speed was not slow, or could be considered fast. In just one cup of tea, a plate of roast meat was wiped out.

When Qing Yan saw the clean plate, he was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

"How many days have you not eaten?" His expression changed, and finally he couldn't help but ask. Although it was cold roast meat, what he served was enough for two meals, and she could finish it no matter how hard she thought.

"One day." Mei Lin smiled, without explaining too much, and then asked: "I would like to ask Gonggong for your advice, where should I send this plate?" Naturally, she didn't dare to bother him anymore after eating and cleaning up the aftermath.

The courteous banquet was obviously very useful to her, so he stopped making things difficult and waved his hand: "Leave it there, someone will pick it up tomorrow." As he said that, as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked her up and down, frowned and said, "You, how can you serve the prince like this?" He said and walked out.

Mei Lin was a little dazed. She lowered her head and looked at herself. Only then did she realize that after a day of toiling in the mountains and forests, the white clothes she was wearing were not only wrinkled but also stained with the juice of some rough-leaf wildflowers. It looked yellow and green, so wonderful. Thinking that Murong Jinghe had held her in his arms without any disdain, she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. At the same time, she also understood the true meaning of his words about being covered in the fragrance of flowers.

While she was thinking wildly, Qing Yan had turned back, followed by two big men in Forbidden Army uniforms. One is carrying a large wooden bucket, and the other is carrying two buckets of hot water.

He directed the two men to put down the bucket and poured the water in. After watching them leave, he put aside the clean clothes and towels in his hands, and said to his eyebrows: "Take care of yourself, don't worry. Let people say that we people in Jingbei Palace do not know etiquette and are like dirty beggars."

Before Mei Lin could say anything, he added, "Put the water over there after washing, and we'll make do with it here tonight. I'll have someone set up a tent for you tomorrow." After saying that, he left the tent and never came back.

The water in the bucket is covered with a thin white mist, and the clear water is dotted with golden flower petals the size of rice grains. When steamed by the heat, the fragrance fills the air, making people want to soak in it as soon as they see it.

Mei Lin stood there for a long time, and after confirming that no one came in again, she slowly took off her clothes and stepped into the water.

When she sat down, the water in the bucket rose up and just covered her chest. The slightly hot water temperature stimulated and soothed the aching muscles all over her body. She couldn't help but let out a comfortable sigh and leaned against the edge of the bucket to relax completely.

Although this Qing Yan is a bit harsh in his words, he is very careful and considerate. Mei Lin thought. Whether it was because of Murong Jinghe's face or because he fulfilled his duties, these did not prevent her from being grateful to him.

After soaking for a while, after the fatigue subsided, Mei Lin reached out and took out the hairpin, letting her long hair fall down. Taking a deep breath, she slid down, letting the water cover her head, and her mind became clearer.

When she heard Murong Jinghe occasionally calling himself the king, she just thought it was a slip of the tongue, but now she found out that he had actually been crowned the king. If a prince is granted the title of king, either because of his great achievements, he will be exiled in another way. No matter what the reason was, the old emperor's position was destined to be lost to him.

Jingbei… that place……

At the end of her breath, she burst out of the water with a splash, wiped away the wet hair and water droplets on her face, and looked at the candlelight with bright eyes.

There...that's where she came from.

That year, she and other children were crowded in a rickety carriage, watching the green hills disappearing in front of her eyes, the broken white flowers swaying in the rain and mist, and feeling at a loss as to where they were being taken. At the very beginning of that journey, she heard passers-by talk about it, and the one that was mentioned the most was Jingbei.

Maybe Murong Jinghe will take them back to Jingbei. Thinking of this possibility, Mei Lin couldn't help but feel excited, and there was a faint expectation in her heart that she didn't understand.

But this expectation did not last long. Because from the next day until the end of the hunt, she could not see Murong Jinghe's face again, as if she had been forgotten.

On the contrary to her, Ah Dai, who finally surrendered to reality, has been living in Murong Jinghe's main tent, enjoying great honour and favour for a while. As a result, Qing Yan couldn't help but show pity in his eyes every time he saw her.

What made her completely despair about that thought was that after the hunt, Murong Jinghe did not return to Jingbei, but she followed him to Capital. Only then did she know that he had been living in Zhaojing. As for Jingbei, it may only be regarded as a nominal fiefdom.

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